"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What country does this president live in?


A Mind of My Own

Published: September 25, 2009

I have lived long enough, listened to enough presidents and spent enough time in formal education along with extensive reading of various topics to be wary of misinformation and lies.

This week our president has again attacked our country before an international audience at the United Nations. If you listened, you would think this particular president was the first in untold years to be concerned about people. He sounded more like a world king rather than the president of the United States. He again accused us of acting unilaterally rather than encouraging friends to assist us. He talked about ordering the closing of Gitmo and stopping torture of prisoners. You would assume that it was national policy to torture before this president came into office.

The president spoke about the coming destruction of the world unless something was done about global warming, and he stated that this country would do its utmost to reduce this threat, and he talked about what had been done during the past nine months.

Too bad he is not as concerned about our national security since he has drastically reduced our missile defense. Our Polish friends are especially upset since they thought we would provide missile defense for them until the president canceled it.

The Iranians are snubbing their nose at us and the world, and they intend to continue their quest for nuclear weapons. Venezuela has stated it will provide gasoline to Iran, since Iran has almost no refinery capability. Russia is planning to provide missile defense weapons. Iran is supplying weapons to our enemies in Afghanistan and has been doing the same in Iraq for years.

Our response is to talk with the leaders of Iran and possibly implement sanctions. Gee, I wonder if Venezuela and Russia will comply? In another part of the world, North Korea continues to improve its nuclear capabilities and missile technology in open defiance.

I doubt if much American history was covered when the president went to school in Indonesia, and the same applied when he went to school in the new state of Hawaii. In his own words, he sought out rebels as he grew older and then Marxists as instructors in college.

Source: http://www2.hernandotoday.com/content/2009/sep/25/what-country-does-president-live/columnists/

COMMENTS: Very well stated by Colonel Myers! America needs to wake up to the person they elected to the White House and the Obama agenda.

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