"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

"Shadow Government: What Obama Doesn't Want You to Know About His Czars" Book Set

Wed Sep 2, 2009 10:00am EDT

"Shadow Government: What Obama Doesn't Want You To Know About His Czars" Book Set For Mid-September Release from National Republican Trust PAC

ARLINGTON, Va., Sept. 2 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The founders of the National Republican Trust PAC (NRTP), Scott Wheeler and Peter Leitner, are set to release a powerful expose on Barack Obama's unelected shadow government.

The book, "Shadow Government: What Obama Doesn't Want You To Know About His Czars," scheduled for release in mid-September is available for order at GOPTrust.com. Several thousand copies have been pre-ordered by the public.


Many of Obama's 35 "czars" might never survive even the current Democrat
majority Senate scrutiny or obtain security clearance.

-- Adolfo Carrion, former Bronx Borough President with a
history of taking bribes and putting the interests of his donors
above those of the community was named Director of Urban Affairs
by Obama.

-- Ron Bloom, labor leader, is at the helm of the unprecedented
government interference into the private sector. With no real
experience in the auto industry, Bloom is the successor of the
even less qualified Steven Rattner, who left his post amidst an
SEC investigation into his private equity firm. Bloom is a former
investment banker who made his name working with the United
Steelworkers union.

-- Van Jones, a self-avowed communist, was appointed Special
Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White
House Council on Environmental Quality (Green Jobs Czar). (RESIGNED 9/5)

-- Kevin Jennings was appointed to be Safe Schools Czar. Jennings
has actively promoted homosexuality in elementary schools, middle
schools,high schools and on college campuses and has distributed
graphic material to children as a way to support his crusade.

-- Carol Browner, Obama's Energy Czar, was listed as a
commissioner in Socialist International, the worldwide
organization of social democratic, socialist and labour parties.

SOURCE National Republican Trust PAC

Comments: Reuters is reporting on the new book due out in the middle of September that will shine the light of day on the Obama Czars. Now that the Communist Jones has resigned, more research into the Czars is mandatory. Obama is running a shadow government and just who is pulling the strings? Soros, Ayers, Dohrn, Wright, Farrakhan, Wade Rathke, Franklin Raines , Democracy Alliance? Quite a radical group standing behind Obama along with Axelrod and Emmanuel. Where is the investigative media? Crickets chirping.

If anyone in the media dares to bring out the facts on Obama and/or his Czars, they are attacked ruthlessly like Glenn Beck. Why? Where was the mainstream media when an avowed Communist was appointed and paid by our tax dollarsl? Are many members of the media so liberal that they support a Communist in our Government? Will they ever admit they made a mistake by not vetting Obama when he first said he was running for President?

The questions will eventually be answered by people willing to stand up and find the truth. The HUGE question is if the MSM will print the real truth or try to cover like they have that Jones was the object of smear campaign. How can you be smeared for having your own (Jones) words outed?

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