"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Obama's Friend 'Out' the Death Panels

Pajamas Media Sept. 5 Jennifer Rubin

The president and his media enablers are outraged, just outraged, that anyone would suggest the prospect of, let alone come up with a name for, government panels designed to ration care for the elderly — and as the president said, “pull the plug on grandma.” Nothing lower, the left punditocracy fumed, than coming up with the “death panel” slur. Except that is precisely what Obama and his ilk want.

We need look no further than the worshipful David Brooks, Obama’s political soul mate. He confesses, in a sort of Jack Nicholson code red moment that yes, darn it, he wants death panels. He chats with colleague Gail Collins in the New York Times blog: “I’m pro-death panel. We spend so much money on end-of-life care we have to have some way of talking about it.”

Brooks cites a moving piece in Atlantic Monthly by David Godhill which details the death of Godhill’s vital 83-year-old father who succumbed to an infection. But isn’t this the case against ObamaCare — and Brooks’ desire to shut off the flow of care to our inconveniently expensive parents and grandparents? It would be interesting to ask Brooks how much money he thinks was “wasted” trying to keep Godhill’s father alive for five weeks in the struggle to beat off an ultimately fatal infection. Well, in Brooks’ death panel world, we’ll nip much of that “wasteful” end-of-life care in the bud.

(Excerpt) Read more at pajamasmedia.com

Comments: The more the friends of Obama talk, the more the truth comes out about the agenda of Obama. Who are these 'friends' of Obama? Are they part of the group that visited the White House that Obama has no intention of opening records to see who they were. Would we find all kinds of Healthcare lobbyist names on the White House visitor list? So many questions with this Administration and so few answers. American people need to wake up to the fact the Cabinet is not helping run the Country, it is the CZARS. Just who are these Czars and what is their background?

We now know all we need to know about the Green Czar Jones who is an avowed communist with an anti-white/Republican agenda. Time to research the other CZARS and discover their agenda. Would bet most Americans are not going to be happy when they learn their tax dollars are paying for the socialist agenda being advanced by people not vetted by the Senate. What fund are they using to pay these CZARS. Is this more of the Pelosi pass bills without anyone reading them? Does Sen Reid know where the money is coming from?

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