"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Obama Bows to Japanese Emperor This Time

What part of the American President does NOT bow to any royalty does Obama not understand. You would have thought he would have learned after the Saudi King fiasco of bowing, but he didn't. Obvious to Americans that Obama was not raised as American as he makes the Office of President subservient to Kings and an Emperor unless it is Britain and then no protocol observed. Our most loyal ally and he treats the Queen like she is the next door neighborn not the Queen of England.

We found the last sentence from the following Powerblog article sums up our opinion on President Obama as well:
Ashamed of his country but arrogant about himself--what a disgusting combination.
More and more people are waking up to the fact they help put this unqualified man who in most instances seems Anti-American in office. Previous Obama supporters have now decided that the Obama rhetoric of Hope and Change is not what they wanted and not what Obama promised the Country.

How many of the media traveling with Obama knew him to be an arrogant elitist but failed to inform the American public? Sad part is that many of the major media are still covering for Obama no matter what he does. Chris Matthews defending Hasan's calls to al Qaeda are all we need to know about how low some of the media have gone to continue to support Obama.
Why is this man bowing?
November 14, 2009
Posted by Scott at 7:06 AM
We criticized Barack Obama when he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. Americans do not bow to royalty. When the royal is the ruling tyrant of a despotic regime, the wrong is compounded. Obama's bowing to the King was deeply offensive.

When the story emerged from the shadows of the Internet, Ben Smith ran an item on Politico with the White House denying the bow. "It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah," said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Bill O'Reilly ran a bemused segment on it once the White House denied what Obama had done.

A reporter asked Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs about the bow. Under his own name and on the record, Gibbs denied what any fool could see. Indeed, one astute observer commented on CNN that "Ray Charles could see that he bowed."

Obama has now done it again. Andrew Malcolm asks (and reports): "How low will he go? Obama gives Japan's Emperor Akihito a wow bow."

Obama's breach of protocol is of a piece with the substance of his foreign policy. He means to teach Americans to bow before monarchs and tyrants. He embodies the ideological multiculturalism that sets the United States on the same plane as other regimes based on tribal privilege and royal bloodlines. He gives expressive form to the idea that the United States now willingly prostrates itself before the rest of the world. He declares that the United States is a country like any other, only worse, because we have so much for which to apologize.


JOHN adds: The context of Obama's bow is worth noting. He has now carried his apology tour to Japan; his speech in Tokyo was largely an attack on his own country's recent history and policies:

In a slap at President George W. Bush, Obama spoke of the importance of "multilateral organizations [that] can advance the security and prosperity of this region."

"I know that the United States has been disengaged from these organizations in recent years. So let me be clear: those days have passed," Obama said during the first major address of a four-country Far East swing, which will continue from Japan to Singapore, China and South Korea. ...

The White House wants to signal U.S. re-engagement with Asia, and the speech was designed to provide an overture to Asia similar to the outreach to the Arab world in the president's famous Cairo address.

It is untrue that "in recent years" the United States was "disengaged" from multilateral organizations in the Pacific region, but Obama's serial apologies require no basis in fact.

Excerpt: Read More at Powerline

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