"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

White House Considering Negotiated Settlement With Taliban; 'Minimum Security' in Afghanistan

Wish we could say we are shocked at this article, but once again we expected as much out of the Obama Administration that is run by cowards. All those lives lost for nothing as it looks like they intend to sell out Afghanistan like the Democrats under LBJ did Vietnam. We were winning in Nam and all of a sudden the media didn't like the war so LBJ tied the hands of the Air Force and our fighting forces. Finally President Nixon got us out of the mess LBJ and the Democrats created. We were making progress in Afghanistan under Pres Bush and now Obama refuses to make a decision he has had on his desk for months. Today we hear this. It is up to the President to come out and say this is not true -- we are in Afghanistan to win not turn it over to the Taliban.

Guess Obama didn't get the word that the Taliban and Al Qaeda have become closer over the years since 9/11. Makes us question whose side Obama is on now -- Muslims or America. He doesn't apologize for the Muslim extremists like he does for America.

Dangerous times we live in and getting more dangerous with an inexperienced person in the WH that would rather play golf or decorate the family quarters then make a decision.

Lapdog media are you listening -- do your job and investigate for a change.

White House Considering Negotiated Settlement With Taliban; 'Minimum Security' in Afghanistan
November 1, 2009 Kristinn

The Obama administration is considering an almost complete surrender in Afghanistan, if the report this weekend by the BBC's Katty Kay is accurate.

Speaking as a panelist on the Chris Matthews Show, a weekend public affairs broadcast, Kay reported on the internal debate at the White House, "There are real questions being asked, I think, about whether even with a big injection of troops this is a real country, a real war that you can win.

"And there's a new phrase which is floating around the White House which is 'minimum security'. That we're not actually aiming for a country which is stable that we are in control of, but we are aiming for a minimum amount of security and perhaps even a negotiated settlement with the Taliban."

This would tie in with reports that Obama has concluded the U.S. cannot beat the Taliban and that he has requested new studies this week, one of each province to determine which ones may be ceded to the Taliban and another for troop levels other than those requested by Gen. McChrystal over two months ago.

Kay's remarks start at the 19:10 minute in the backward clock on the video. She describes three different views on the situation in Afghanistan that have been presented to Obama: The military needs a large injection of troops to perform the current strategy; even with more troops Afghanistan will never be winnable; and "'we have no choice but to win this war' and that is what President Obama said back in March."

Obama has delayed making his decision such that it most likely will not be announced until the end of November, three months into the twelve month window left to win the war Gen. McChrystal stated in August.

Troop casualties in Afghanistan have skyrocketed in the past three months with over 1000 being wounded, and a reported 58 service members killed this past month making it the deadlist month of the eight-year long war.

On Friday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs bragged Obama has spent almost twenty hours in meetings on Afghanistan since August.

Source: FreeRepublic.com

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