Delay in hearings on Hasan could cause more deaths with the diversity mindset of the Army Chief of Staff Casey over this shooting. It is time that Congress got to the bottom of what has been happening in the Army when diversity has become the #1 priority of the Chief of Staff over the safety of his troops via his own words last Sunday, 8 November
"Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that's worse."We are still appalled at those words and are asking why General Casey has not been asked to resign, but then we remember Obama is President whose some of his first words were for everyone not to "jump to conclusions." We doubt we are the only ones who want Casey's resignation. Calling the end of diversity worse then the slaughter of our members of the Army by a terrorist leaves us wondering what our members of the Army are facing today with the lack of leadership at the top. We understand Casey is part of the new breed of General that rose up through the ranks during the Clinton years but what about joining the military during the Reagan years -- did Casey and others not a learn a thing the terrorist attacks on our military during the Clinton years?
Has Casey forgotten the Pentagon was hit by terrorists flying a plane into the building murdering 125 people of the Department of Defense and another 59 who were in the plane? The home of our military was targeted by Islamic Jihadist terrorist but today the Army Chief of Staff 'wants to diversity' to be the most important issue to the military at the expense of what? We would expect an Army General to understand that flying into the Pentagon was act on war on the United States by al Qaeda and their terrorist affiliates.

Maybe General Casey and Obama need to hear Daryl Worley's song, "Have you Forgotten?" every morning when they wake up because obvioiusly both put Muslims and diversity ahead of the safety of our military. If they think we don't believe there are more like Hasan that have infiltrated our military, then they had better wake up. Political correctness has no place in the military where you have men and women putting the lives on the line.
Why does Obama not make a decision on Afghanistan? Does Obama really think that if we withdraw from areas of Afghanistan that he won't put our troops at more risk? His Kum By Yah approach to Islamic terrorists makes this Country fair game for more attacks including from within as we saw at Fort Hood.
Where is another General George Patton when you need him? We can guarantee that General Patton would have had something to say to General Casey about his 'diversity' and most likely would have been fired but he would have stood up for his troops which is something that Casey and Obama have abdicated with this diversity trumps all.
Obama urges Congress to put off Fort Hood probe (What is Obama Hiding?)
President Barack Obama on Saturday urged Congress to hold off on any investigation of the Fort Hood rampage until federal law enforcement and military authorities have completed their probes into the shootings at the Texas Army post, which left 13 people dead.
On an eight-day Asia trip, Obama turned his attention home and pleaded for lawmakers to "resist the temptation to turn this tragic event into the political theater." He said those who died on the nation's largest Army post deserve justice, not political stagecraft.
"The stakes are far too high," Obama said in a video and Internet address released by the White House while the president he was flying from Tokyo to Singapore, where Pacific Rim countries were meeting.
Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, was charged on Thursday with the shooting spree at Fort Hood last week. Army investigators have said Hasan is the only suspect and could face additional charges.
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