"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

White House's media attacks Part of a Troubling Trend

Wish we could say we are shocked but little out of this Administration is shocking any more as it is obvious that this Administration truly is Pay to Play. Imagine already a White House enemies list and they attack publicly when someone or an organization including news organizations dare to disagree with Obama and his policies.

Have never witnessed such venom toward people who disagree as we are with this Administration. Obama sends out his attack dogs Axelrod, Emanual, and Jarrett (Chicago thugs) to do his dirty work. Cannot expect the coward to do it in person and yes we think he is a coward. Watch his reactions or better yet look at the picture below and ask yourself if he has the nerve to take on anyone. The word 'EWWW' comes to mind.

White House's Media Attacks Part of a Troubling Trend
By Lachlan Markay (Bio Archive)

November 1, 2009 - 16:36 ET

The White House is taking it upon itself to police the news media. The trend started of course with the Fox News Channel, but the administration has moved on to bash other organizations, most recently the Associated Press and car site Edmunds.com. It seems to believe that any criticism of its policies is worth attacking.

The White House claims, in the words of Valerie Jarret, that it will go after any organization that "spreads false news." But the attacks suggest that the administration will take on any outlet that challenges claims designed to further its agenda.

Edmunds calculated the number of cars purchased during the Cash for Clunkers program that would have been purchased without the rebates. The site determined that C4C had incentivized the purchases of only 125,000 automobiles, meaning taxpayers paid $24,000 per car purchase under the program.

Excerpt: Read More at Newsbusters

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