"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fox News: Obama going to MA to save Coakley

UPDATE: 6:20, Jan 16, 2010

Looks to us like not all SEIU employees are puppets of the Democrats. These SEIU employees standing up for Republican Scott Brown should send a chilling message to the Democrats that they no longer can tell ALL SEIU members who to support as they are not listening. Our thanks to these people willing to stand up for their beliefs:

UPDATE: 1:54 pm. Jan 14 from Hot Air

DSCC uses World Trade Center image in anti-Brown ad; Update: Rudy erupts

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee wants to paint Scott Brown as a Wall Street crony who is out of touch with the normal, everyday people of Massachusetts. Considering their candidates’ disdain for retail politics, that’s a rather laughable accusation anyway, but the DSCC goes from laughable to jaw-droppingly inept with the imagery used in the ad. In order to represent Wall Street, which building do you suppose the DSCC used in conjunction with Brown?

Rudy's Comments:

Rudy Giuliani is … not amused:
“Never in their wildest dreams did they think they would lose in Massachusetts,” says Giuliani. “Now they’re using imagery from an area of New York where thousands of Americans died.” The ad, he concludes, “just understates how excessively negative they’ve become since they’re so paranoid about losing this seat. They’re now using buildings that were destroyed on 9/11 — which is just unthinkable — and somebody better look into what they’re really trying to say.” (End excerpt from Hot Air)

We have seen the Democrats get in the gutter before in the last day's of a campaign where they are losing but using the World Trade Center buildings in an ad against Scott Brown is beyond our comprehension and is one of the most despicable ads we have ever seen. If this is an example of what today's Democrat Senatorial Committee and Democrats like Coakley are all about then they have no business serving in the US Senate when they are willing to use an image of the World Trade Centers that were attacked by terrorists on 9/11. It is even worse as Sen Bob Menendez, D-NJ, heads the DSCC. He should know first hand about the World Trade Center buildings as many victims of the terrorist attack came from NJ.

Even if they pull the ads, the damage is done to their credibility. Menendez needs to step down as DCCC Chair after this debacle and Coakley defeated.

Get prepared for the Democrat gutter ads for November 2010 elections if the DCCC is going this dirty in a MA Senate race. It also tells us that their ACORN/SEIU voter fraud machine may not be up and working well in MA because it was never needed and too late now to do enough fraudulent ballots to win.

UPDATE: 1:21p.m, Jan 14

Rep Barney Frank: GOP Win in Massachusetts Senate Race Will 'Kill the Health Bill' A senior Massachusetts lawmaker says if Republicans win a special Senate election there next week, President Obama's health care overhaul is dead. WASHINGTON -- A senior Massachusetts lawmaker says if Republicans win a special Senate election there next week, President Obama's health care overhaul is dead. Democrat Barney Frank told reporters Friday: "If Scott Brown wins, it'll kill the health bill."

If anyone needed a reason to vote for Brown over Coakley, Frank just delivered the reason. Now we know why Obama is headed to MA to try and save Coakley -- his Obamacare bill is hanging in the balance. We sure hope the people of MA understand they can make a real difference in America by sending Brown to the Senate. We are hoping that MA Republicans employ the same strategy used by Gov Christi in NJ and protect the fundamental right of 'one vote, one live person' not the voter fraud we saw in MN when the Dems were so eager to get the 60th vote, they cheated big time.

Headline: Fox News: Obama going to MA to save Coakley
(no story yet)

UPDATE: Obama going to MA on Sunday to campaign for Coakley per all the news outlets. Guess he is not playing golf on Sunday -- weather must be bad.

Cannot even fathom how this is going to affect independents. What this Administration doesn't get is that the American people including those in Massachusetts are sick and tired of the Senate voting on bills they have never read and ramming everything through because they have 60 votes in the Senate by buying off Senators for their vote. Now we have Obama inserting himself in the race for a really inept Democrat candidate, Coakley. We only hope it comes to the same conclusion as it did in NJ.

When President Bush took office, he reached out to Senator Kennedy on Education. When Obama took office, the Republicans were showed the door as not having any ideas worth considering. Obamacare bill was passed in the Senate and House with no Republican support although in the House quite a few more moderate Dems said NO. That is no way to run Government but that is the way the far left liberals want to run everything -- their way or no way and it is not playing well in any part of the Country.

Now Obama is officially making the race about him and his agenda including Obamacare. The same Obama who couldn't fill up a room for a fundraiser for MA Gov Patrick several months ago and since then his popularity has fallen more. Obama wants to make sure he gets everything passed he wants before next January as he and the Democrats know their days of absolute power will be coming to a close.

Let's get an early start on January 2011 by sending Scott Brown to the Senate and telling Obama/Reid/Pelosi the American people want both sides involved when you are discussing such a large portion of our economy. Americans across this Country are fed up with this ramming everything through with no time to read or comprehend what is being voted on by members of Congress. Negotiating behind closed doors on Obamacare instead of taking it to a Conference Committee may have been the final straw for a lot of people. This is not how Congress is supposed to operate.

Guess Obama hasn't figured out yet he is not a dictator. DNC better be paying for this political trip on Air Force One because it is NOT official.

Democrats in the Senate are walking in lockstep with Obama and Reid and time to shake that up on Tuesday by sending Scott Brown to the Senate instead of Coakley who doesn't even know how to spell Massachusetts and she lives there. Been a horrible Attorney General so why would they send her to the Senate.

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