"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

King (R-Iowa): Let Sun Shine on Health Care Debate

This morning while searching for items for today, found this item from Newsmax email and went to Iowa Representative Steve King's official website to verify. We felt it was necessary for everyone to be able to read what Rep King had to say since the majority of mainstream media have blinders on when it comes to the lack of transparency of today's Democrat leadership.

January 6, 2010
King: Let Sun Shine on Health Care Debate

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Steve King made the following statement today in support of C-SPAN’s request to broadcast the negotiations that are currently underway between the House and Senate regarding legislation to change our nation’s health care system:

“In January 2008 candidate Obama pledged not to negotiate health care legislation ‘behind closed doors.’ Instead he committed to ‘broadcasting those negotiations on C-SPAN.’ There are serious differences between candidate Obama’s statements in 2008 and President Obama’s actions in 2010.

“Today, the healthcare legislation is being negotiated behind closed doors, and C-SPAN’s request to broadcast these negotiations is being rebuffed. Tuesday night President Obama and liberals in Congress decided to bypass conference committee debate to craft government-run health care legislation in secret in an effort to expedite its passage into law.

“These closed-door, back room dealings may be the norm in a Chicago-style gangster government, but they are not acceptable in our constitutional republic. Americans have a right to know what is going on so they can make their voices heard.

“When asked about President Obama’s pledge to allow C-SPAN access to health care debates, Speaker Pelosi dismissively said ‘there are a number of things he was for on the campaign trail.’

Apparently the Speaker of the House doesn’t mind the idea of the president breaking his promises to the American people. But the American people do mind, and they expect President Obama to follow through on the promise he made to them on the campaign trail.”

Source: Rep King (R-Iowa) Press Release
We have found Rep King to be one of the most articulate speakers in the GOP caucus and yet the mainstream media ignores him. Why? Is it because he is so articulate and means every word? He doesn't go hmmm or ahahah -- he speaks articulately and with passion. We have watched his floor speeches and as long time viewers of CSPAN, we have to say he holds our attention because he gives us facts not rhetoric.

King may also be one of the most knowledgable House Members on various topics because when he speaks or is interviewed, he presents the facts so everyone can understand what he is saying. He does not spin or talk to hear himself talk like so many elected officials especially Democrats when after they are finished you are asking yourself "What did they say?" Republicans lost one of their worst offenders when Sen Spector bolted to the Democrats.

We will continue to bring you more from Steve King of Iowa in the days ahead because when he speaks, he is speaking for the people of America who want a return to the days when we could trust what our elected officials have to say. In our opinion King is an example of what the Founding Fathers wanted when they established the Congress -- he makes sure when he votes he knows what he is voting for in the bills except ones that no one has time to read and then he does what every Member of Congress, Democrat or Republican, should be doing and that is to vote NO.

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