"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A revolution begins!

While reading articles from verious internet sources on the tremendous victory of Senator-Elect Scott Brown (doesn't that sound great?), this editorial from the Boston Herald jumped out. It is a great summation of how a MA State Senator who had won nine consecutive times in MA, first in the MA House and then in 2004 in MA Senate, came from 31 points behind to win the election by 5 points in the bluest of the blue states.

What stands out the most is the character of the new Senator-Elect from MA who ran a positive campaign about the issues and has the ability to turn a slams against him and his truck into a positive. He wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth but worked hard to get to where he is today. He is a Lt Colonel in the MA National Guard and when asked about where he was going to find a residence in DC, he talked about getting a billet which would be cheaper.

Senate Democrats who "all" voted for Obamacare forgot the lesson that Scott Brown knew from Day One -- it is the "People's Seat" and doesn't belong to any individual or party. You earn the seat and to keep the "People's Seat" a Senator needs to remember that they work for their constituents. When their constituents are yelling "NO" like on Obamacare for months, then they need to wake up and vote how they are instructed by the voters of their State.

No more of this voting for a liberal agenda because they know better then their constituents on how to vote when no one has a chance to read and comprehend the entire bill before a vote. If the Senate Democrats put up the bills and give Senators and the public a chance to read them, they would be in more trouble as the bills in 2009 were the biggest socialist bills to ever be passed in the Senate. They know it and why we don't see the bills until the last minute. There is absolutely no transparency about Obamacare no matter what Obama/Reid/Pelosi have to say.

Now that Reid no longer enjoys his 60 vote majority after they stole MN with Franken, what will he do? More importantly, what are the more moderate Democrats going to do? The jury is out on that.

We saw it all over America this summer where Democrats refused to listen. There is a large bullhorn being used by Scott Brown with "Can You Hear Us Now" aimed right at the Democrats in Congress but if last night or this morning was any indication, Obama/Pelosi/Reid are not listening and are planning to shove Obamacare through and the President sign the monstrocity of a bill.

After winning a Senate seat in MA, there is no Democrat in a safe seat -- anything can happen. Patriots from all walks of life and political ideology including Republicans, Independents, and Democrats, members of the Tea Party movement, or people with no ties to any group united together to put America first. This Patriot movement will continue across the Country in November as we throw out the liberal democrats and their socialist agenda and put in people that represent the majority of center right Americans with Common Sense like Sen Brown which is sorely missing inside the beltway.

We thank the staff of the Boston Herald for standing up and giving us the facts in this race and being willing to go out on a limb for Scott Brown as the Republican Independent voice of Massachusetts. As he so eloquently put it, "I am a Scott Brown Republican!" We also want to thank Howie Carr, that great conservative voice of Talk Radio in Massachusetts who always tells it like it is and who was on TV last night grinning ear to ear. That grin was well deserved.

Great win for America from a True Patriot from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Scott Brown, Senator-Elect.

It truly was the 2nd shot "heard round the world" from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

A revolution begins
By Boston Herald Editorial Staff
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It was - for the second time in Massachusetts history - the shot heard round the world, or at the very least from coast to coast and surely in the halls of Congress.
Scott Brown won this one fair and square with his down-to-earth charm, his hard work and his forthright position on issues - and with the help of that much-disparaged by the opposition pick-up truck.

But it is also true that Brown was the right candidate at the right time with the right message. And it’s that message that the White House and congressional Democrats can no longer ignore. After all, if the people of Massachusetts can send a Republican to the U.S. Senate to fill the seat Ted Kennedy had a lock on for 47 years, then the revolution has indeed begun.

And like that battle in Concord more than two centuries ago, this is only the opening round.

Her fellow Democrats will attempt to blame the loss entirely on Martha Coakley, her inability to connect with voters, her verbal blunders and on assuming her primary victory was all she needed. Much of that is true, but it is also true that Coakley promised to be simply more of the same.

And voters here are tired of more of the same.

They don’t see the point of an expensive new health care bill that threatens to damage the health care industry here, disrupt service to Medicare recipients and tax us all - especially when we already insure 97.4 percent of our people.

They don’t see the point of paying higher and higher energy costs, when the world’s pollution is not our fault.

They don’t see the point of growing the deficit so that our children and grandchildren will be paying for today’s policy mistakes - including a $787 stimulus bill that didn’t.

Most of all they are simply tired of the kind of Washington arrogance that says “don’t worry, we know what’s best for you.”

Voters of Massachusetts wanted to take back the power that has been so sorely abused. Yesterday they did.

Source: Boston Herald

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