"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Obama in no rush for State of Union

What happened to the President who wanted his face on TV all the time. It has been almost six months since his last press conference held in prime time on July 22, 2009. His slipped his speech to Congress after his Inauguration last year to February 24, 2009.

Why wouldn't Obama take a few questions when he finally talked publicly about the failed terrorist attack on the Northwest Airlines flight and the intelligence community's failure to understand the intel information?

Are the teleprompters broken or are they figuring out a way to put a teleprompter in the podium so now instead of moving his head rapidly back and forth between teleprompters, he will look down and not have to look at the reporters or audience?

Why is Obama hiding from the media? Is it because he not handle tough questions after all the puffballs the media has thrown him from the time he started running for office. Major Garret (Fox) and Jake Tapper (ABC) have been some of the few reporters willing to ask the tough questions. Even Helen Thomas gets irrritated and asks a tough question from time to time. Actually we would have liked to have seen her in her prime with this Administration. She would have had Press Secretary Gibbs' head on a platter.

What is he going to present at the State Union for his first year in office?
National Security - Failed
Economy - Failed
Global Warming - Failed
Chicago Olympic Bid - Failed
Transparency - Failed
Obamacare - not finished and being hammered out in secrecy by Democrats only against the wishes of American people
Obama Poll Numbers - Dropping
Vacation/Golf - Passed with flying colors
Those are a few items that we would not expect him to cover so what is left except hollow rhetoric which he is very good at as he reads his teleprompter?

His one positive is that he knows how to take vacations on the backs of the American taxpayers. How many times has he taken Air Force One to take vacations including taking extended family members like this summer to the Grand Canyon? Are weekends reserved for Golf only? He gave an address asking Dad's to be with their children on Father's Day and he goes golfing without his family.

Then we have the Olympic bid where Obama sent his wife and friends ahead to Copenhagen on an Air Force plane and then followed up on AF One. Does anyone know if the Chicago Olympic Committee picked up the tab for the Air Force flights since this would not fall under official duties?

We can actually see why he would push back his State of the Union because frankly we are not better off then we were when he took office. People are starting to ask after a year in office, what has Obama done for America? The economy is in shambles, unemployment at very high rates, national security is a joke, spending is at an all time high, no transparency, and deficit numbers keep piling up for starters. He has been in office long enough that the "Blame Bush" mantra is starting to wear thin even on Democrats.

Wonder how Obama voters like Hope and Change now? How many campaign promises has he kept? Very few and the ones he has like the stimulus in the end is costing taxpayers dearly with little results. Obama gives himself a "B" for his first year but most Americans like us are giving him at the most an Incomplete or in a lot of cases an "F" for Failure to Lead on the important issues.

This last year should prove without a shadow of doubt that you don't elect anyone to be President who has little to no experience, who voted present on important issues, and uses rhetoric to provide hope to Americans. Looks to us like the American Obama voters voted for whoever's words were on the teleprompter because they sure were not his.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Obama in no rush for State of Union
Stephen Dinan

The State of the Union address may be going the way of the NFL's Super Bowl, another January tradition that has become a February fixture.

No date has been set for the president's annual address to Congress, but with Democrats hoping for a health care bill in hand first, the affair could be pushed until the first week in February or later — marking the latest date for a standard address in modern history.

"Soon" was the short answer that White House press secretary Robert Gibbs gave reporters last week, though he helpfully ruled out Feb. 2, the Tuesday that ABC is supposed to air the final season premiere of its show "Lost."

"I don't foresee a scenario in which millions of people who hope to finally get some conclusion with 'Lost' are pre-empted by the president," he assured ABC's reporters at his daily briefing.


Complicating matters, newly inaugurated — or re-inaugurated — presidents often delivered both an inaugural address on Jan. 20 and a later address to Congress, which occasionally slipped into February. President Obama's address to Congress last year was on Feb. 24, the latest ever.

In 1986, Mr. Reagan delivered his address on Feb. 4. The date was delayed a week because of the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion in late January.


Congress has to extend an invitation to the president, though it does so in consultation with the White House, which seems firmly in control of the decision this year.

Excerpt: Read More at Washington Times

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