"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

MA Senate Race: Brown Stays Positive; Coakley calls in Obama and Goes Negative

Below is Scott Brown's positive message to voters. Brown also asked Obama to stay out of MA and let this race be between him and Coakley.

Now we have the ad from Politico that Obama made for Coakley which along with all her negative ads we expect to backfire. Here is a quote from Obama in his video:

Coakley, he says, will be "your voice and my ally." Brown, who goes unnamed, is backed by "opponents of change."

The way the economy and everything else is going we believe "opponents of change" is what Americans want because the change Obama has brought to to the White House is not what Americans wanted or expected.

This is almost laughable that Obama took the bait. Obama couldn't even fill up a room for a fundraiser for the current Governor Patrick several months ago and has become less popular over time in MA like he has in the rest of the Country. Obama is putting himself on the line for Coakley but then it was an appointee of his that shoved a reporter to the ground when the reporter dared to ask Coakley a question. Guess they all have to stick together.

This race by analysts has been put in the toss-up column so it would be ironic if in the last days of the campaign that Obama jumped in and the race was lost just like in NJ.

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