"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Scott Brown Goes to Washington Today!

What a week it has been so far for the Nation. Today the newly elected Senator-Elect Scott Brown makes his first trip to Congress to meet his colleagues. We hope that he will be sworn in very shortly as the Senator from MA and no more of the games that Reid wants to play.

The election of Scott Reid has brought the Senate full circle after Reid, Franken, and the Democrats stole the election in Minnesota to get their 60th vote. If anyone doesn't think that election was stolen, I have some swampland for sale in Arizona you might like.

Our hats are off to Massachusetts and their pulling off a fair election like New Jersey did for Governor Christi. When the MA Secretary of State threw out the bogus allegations of the Coakley campaign, you knew that for once the peopla of a state had gone to the polls and the old saying one man, one vote held true.

In this morning's email was an interesting article from Michael Zak, author of Back to Basics for the Republican Party , a history of the Republican Party. We found his history of the "People's Seat" from MA very interesting and surprising. It has been talked about around the Internet and on here how Scott Brown's victory was the 2nd shot 'fired round the world," but now that we are learning the history of this MA Senate seat, we might want to say the 3rd shot.

Scott Brown won the Charles Sumner seat in the U.S. Senate

As the new senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, said: "It's not the Ted Kennedy seat. It's not the Democrat seat. It's the people's seat."

Instead of Ted, let's remember an honorable and courageous Republican senator who once filled the seat to which Scott Brown was elected.

Senator Charles Sumner (R-MA) was one of the founders of the Republican Party. Angered by Sumner's denunciations of slavery, a Democrat congressman beat him nearly to death on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Sumner responded with a classic denunciation of the Democratic Party for promoting The Barbarism of Slavery.

During the GOP's 1860 election campaign, Senator Sumner gave a speech that speaks to us today:

"If ever there was a moment when every faculty should be bent to the service, and all invigorated by an inspiring zeal, it is now, while the battle between Civilization and Barbarism is still undecided.

Happily, a political party is at hand whose purpose is to combine and direct all generous energies for the salvation of the country. The work must be done, and there is no other organization by which it can be done. A party with such an origin and such a necessity cannot be for a day, or for this election only.

If bad men conspire for slavery, good men must combine for freedom. And when this triumph is won, securing the immediate object of our organization, the Republican Party will not die, but, purified by long contest with slavery, and filled with higher life, it will be lifted to yet other efforts for the good of man.

Others may dwell on the past as secure; but to my mind, under the laws of a beneficent God, the future also is secure, on the single condition that we press forward in the work with heart and soul, forgetting self, turning from all temptations of the hour, and, intent only on the cause."
The day he died, Charles Sumner urged Republicans to stay true to the principles of our Grand Old Party: "My bill, the civil rights bill - don't let it fail." The Republican-controlled 43rd Congress honored his memory by passing the 1875 Civil Rights Act.

After reading this, we are reminded of the Republicans who stood up for Civil Rights over the years and how President Eisenhower sent the federal troops to Little Rock, Ark., to enforce integration of a city high school in 1957. The true Civil Rights movement came from Republicans not the Democrats who co-opted it for votes for John F. Kennedy. Since then the Democrats Party has paid lip service to the Civil Rights movement to get votes by using handouts to keep their votes.

The National Black Republican Association Chair Frances Rice in speaking out on the election of Scott Brown had this to say about those handouts for votes:

So, how did Obama and the Democrats respond to the Massachusetts earth-shattering vote that reverberated around our nation? They resolved to double down and cram down ObamaCare, gambling that Americans love entitlements more than they love freedom. A lesson Democrats learned from black Americans who consistently vote for Democrats in exchange for government handouts, even though the Democrats’ socialist policies have turned black communities into economic and social cesspools. A video posted on the Internet “Detroit in RUINS! (Crowder goes Ghetto)” provides a look at the type of devastation all of America will face, unless the voters in around the country rebel as urged in the video “America Rising: An Open Letter To The Democrats” and repeat in November the Massachusetts Miracle of January.

Excerpt: Read more at: NBRA Massachusetts Message
Once again this MA seat is filled by a Patriot who is bringing his beliefs and ideas as an Independent Scott Brown Republican to the Senate of the United States. Senator-Elect Brown is the Independent voice for the citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. All our Senators, Republican, Democrat, or Independent, should be the voice of the people from their district/state and not the voice of the special interest groups.

One surprise from this special election campaign was the #1 issue for voters in MA was not healthcare althought it was ranked high but the National Security threat to this Country from terrorists. Brown has been outspoken critic of the Obama Administration's plan to bring the enemy combatants from GITMO to try them in federal court in the United States giving them rights, rather then trying them in military tribunals in GITMO. Brown is adamantly against closing GITMO and is also for tough interrogation methods for the terrorist who want kill us which resonated with the people whose ancestors were the Patriots of our Revolution.

From the towns and villages of the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, the patriotism of Massachusetts once again has come to the forefront. The voters of the Commonwealth of Massachuetts sent a clear message that they want our National Security as a priority and elected Scott Brown as their messenger to the United State Senate.

Our Nation's thanks goes to today's Patriots in Massachusetts for sending a clear message to the Country and the World.

Republicans also need to learn a lesson and return to the basics of the Repubican Party with fiscal conservatism and national security at the forefront on where we stand as a Party.

High taxes and other laws from the English King that were detrimental to the colonies (sound familiar?) finally created an uprising starting with the Boston Tea Party which led to the militia face-off with the British troops at Lexington on April 19, 1775, and the shot 'heard round the world' that began the Revolutionary War.

On July 4th, 1776, the Declartion of Independence was adopted by representatives of the 13 Colonies announcing the separation of the 13 Colonies from Great Britain. With that Declartion, the United States of America was born.

Scott Brown fired that 3rd shot 'heard round the world' with his win on April 19, 2010, and now it is up to all of us to make sure it is heard loud and clear in the halls of Congress, in the White House and in the November election.

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