"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Inhofe Informant

U.S. Sen. Inhofe Receives the 2009 Club for Growth Award
Club for Growth President Chris Chocola recently presented U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) with the Defender of Economic Freedom Award. In 2009, Inhofe held a perfect pro-economic voting record.
We are so fortunate here in Oklahoma to have two outstanding Senators -- Jim Inhofe and Dr. Tom Coburn. The Inhofe Informant is posted on here so everyone can see how Senator Inhofe continues to go after Obama and the Democrats on issues that will cost the taxpayers money and freedoms. That is why Senator Inhofe continually receives awards for his stand on economic issues as he stands up for Oklahomans and Americans for lower taxes, freedom, our military, homeland security, strict constructionists judges, and smaller, more efficient government as well as being a humanitarian.

One thing can be said for Senator Inhofe -- he is a straight shooter who tells it like it is and has such a great sense of humor. Would bet Hillary Clinton was glad to leave the Senate to get away from Jim Inhofe and his comments! She had no sense of humor.

On many issues Senator Inhofe will work with members of the opposition to get bills passed that will benefit Americans, but he will also fight hard as can be to stop bills like Cap and Trade that he knows would be bad for Americans and our economy. This is what makes him such a great Senator. He knows when to reach across the aisle and when to fight as you can see from his latest Inhofe informant:
Dear Friends,

As the Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, I recently released a report titled “Failure of Leadership: President Obama and the Flawed Federal Response to the BP Disaster.” This report concluded that President Obama did not provide adequate resources to the citizens located off the Gulf of Mexico in response to the BP disaster. In the report, I listed specific examples of the Obama Administration’s failure to act during the Gulf spill. It is my continued hope that the residents close to the Gulf of Mexico start receiving adequate resources in order to rebuild from this disaster.

I am disappointed that the liberal majority in the United States Senate confirmed Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. As the first Senator to register my opposition to her nomination to this lifetime position, I remain alarmed with her lack of judicial experience as well as her continued disdain for our nation’s military, her views on civilian trials for terrorists, and her disregard for the second amendment.

After the earthquake that devastated Haiti last January, orphans who were already involved in the adoption process were permitted inside the United States on humanitarian parole while their American families finished the adoption process in the United States courts. Due to unnecessary bureaucratic red tape that the adoptive families of this group of orphans faced, I introduced the Help Haitian Adoptees Immediately to Integrate Act of 2010 (HELP Haiti Act) with U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.). With bipartisan support, this bill passed the U.S. Senate before Congress left for August recess. This legislation will provide much needed relief to these adoptive families as it authorizes the Secretary of Homeland Security to make a one-time adjustment of status to this set of Haitian orphans.

Recently, a public internal memo was released by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officials which indicated that President Obama wants to grant amnesty to thousands of illegal immigrations. I find this immensely troubling, and will continue to oppose legislation that allows any form of amnesty to illegal immigrants.

I was pleased with the unanimous Senate passage of the Improving Access to Clinical Trials (I-Act). This will allow patients with rare diseases to participate in clinical drug studies without losing their eligibility for public assistance.

Additionally, I introduced the Zimbabwe Sanctions Repeal Act of 2010. Under this legislation, the new power-sharing Zimbabwe government will have access to loans or credit from international financial institutions.

/s/ Jim Inhofe

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