"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Powerline: Who is He, Anyway? Obama Losing Support in America?

There are many of us who have been asking Who Obama is for a long time, but we still don't know -- no legitimate birth certificate, no college records, no medical records, no access to legislative records, passport records, Bill Ayers ghost wrote 'Dreams of my Father' and inserted things that had happened to him, and the list goes on of records never released by Obama. Because of the lack of transparency, we have no idea if he was even qualified according to the Constitution to run for President. Is that why he disses the Constitution and wants Shariah Law honored?

Why shouldn't the American people expect any candidate for President to be thoroughly vetted and all their records released. Never figured out why Bush 41 sealed Clinton's passport records. Shouldn't the voters know where candidates traveled and when? A candidate for President should be an Open Book.

Is this 'President of the World' afraid we will discover he went to Columbia on a foreign scholarship and did not do his studies at Columbia in New York but at a foreign university in one of Columbia's programs? That would explain why NO ONE remembers him in class at Columbia.

We believe all this will lead to Obama serving one term if he makes it completely through the term without it finally coming out he was never qualified to run for President. We are part of the growing number of people who believe he is Muslim and also believe he is doing the bidding of the Mulsim Brotherhood.

Whoever Obama is, he has made Jimmy Carter look better which we thought was an impossible thing to do. Now we have Democrats wishing President Bush was still in office which blows you away. What does that say about Obama? Worst President who takes the most vacations and golfs more than any other President is wearing on everyone especially with his extremely leftist agenda that has tanked the American economy.

Who Is He, Anyway?
August 18, 2010
Posted by John at 9:19 PM

Barack Obama is a polarizing and sometimes puzzling figure. It is no shock that many Americans don't know what to make of him. My own explanation is that voters weren't ready for a post-American presidency. Some, though, speculate in different channels.

The Pew poll, as reported by the Associated Press, finds confusion about Obama's most basic beliefs:

Americans increasingly are convinced -- incorrectly -- that President Barack Obama is a Muslim, and a growing number are thoroughly confused about his religion.

I love that "incorrectly." The AP has evolved into an opinion machine, so it's rare and a little startling to see it stand up so boldly for a "fact." He's not a Muslim, dammit!

More on the poll data:

Nearly one in five people, or 18 percent, said they think Obama is Muslim, up from the 11 percent who said so in March 2009, according to a poll released Thursday. The proportion who correctly say he is a Christian is down to just 34 percent.

The largest share of people, 43 percent, said they don't know his religion, an increase from the 34 percent who said that in early 2009. ...

In a separate poll by Time magazine/ABT SRBI conducted Monday and Tuesday -- after Obama's comments about the mosque -- 24 percent said they think he is Muslim, 47 percent said they think he is Christian and 24 percent didn't know or didn't respond.
So, what is going on here? First, we are seeing fallout from the Jeremiah Wright affair. I would never presume to pass judgment on Obama's spiritual life. But one thing I will say with confidence: Jeremiah Wright is no Christian. His ideology of hate disqualifies him. So many millions of Americans, learning that Wright was Obama's spiritual mentor, must have wondered where Obama himself was coming from. I think that is the main source of confusion, coupled with Obama's lack of connection to any identifiable Christian tradition.

The second factor, I think, is Obama's effort to project a post-American, above-America persona. Obama postures as a citizen of the world who has graced America by condescending to be our President and to instruct us. Some liberals accept this posturing gratefully, but most Americans don't. Obama has defined himself as literally exotic. Small wonder that some Americans attribute exotic qualities to him. We're not sure who he is, exactly, but he certainly isn't one of us. Given the currents that swirl through world events these days, being a Muslim is one interpretation of Obama's exoticism. Those who construe Obama in this way may well be wrong, but it is not hard to understand why they interpret his aloof non-Americanism in this way.

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