"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Save St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church’s land at Ground Zero

No matter how much Obama and his people try to spin, we heard and read what he had to say and it was an endorsement of the Islamic Mosque at Ground Zero. All you had to do was listen to the tone of his voice to realize he was angry with all of us for opposing the building of this mosque.

If Obama believed in his version of 'religious freedom,' he would be pushing for the rebuilding of St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church near Ground Zero that was destroyed on 9/11 when a tower fell on the Church. NYC has refused the right to rebuild St. Nicholas.

Eighty-some years ago this land was purchased and St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was built but now they are under threat of the New York Port Authority wanting to take their land by eminent domain. Why haven't they been allowed to rebuild? This was the only House of Worship destroyed on 9/11, but yet the Port Authority has refused to talk to them for over year and reneged on a swap of property. Why?

This makes zero sense that St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church at Ground Zero cannot rebuild while Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama push for the Muslims to have the right to build their Islamic Mosque near Ground Zero. How much money is being transferred into the pockets of NY politicians to get their support for the Ground Zero Islamic Mosque? This looks like one of those 'follow the money' trails because nothing else makes sense.

The facts are that NYC wants to seize the land by eminent domain that St. Nicholas sits on but at the same time allow the Muslims to build their Islamic Mosque near Ground Zero. If this doesn't send a chill up your spine, nothing will.

Watch to this video and ask why Obama supports the building of the Ground Zero Islamic Mosque but is not getting involved in what NYC is doing to the people of St. Nicholas who own their own property.

1 comment:

Adventures in Carpentry said...

Another story about the issue,
