"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Job Creation? Obama puts it first in speeches and second or lower in his actions!

Obama talks a good talk when it comes to job creations as he reads from his teleprompter but when it comes to his actions to improve the job picture, he falls back on giving out more unemployment benefits -- after all Pelosi calls that 'job creation.'

Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.
When you have someone as Speaker of the House who believes Govenment Unemployment benefits is creating jobs across America, you have just thrown common sense out the window. That seems to be a symptom of this Administration -- NO COMMON SENSE!

What Obama and his people have done to the states along the Gulf Coast especially Louisiana and Texas should be a crime. Putting a moratorium on drilling when a federal judge overruled them, but they reinstated it, should get them in front of the judge. I would throw Salazar in jail for contempt, but then that is me and probably a lot of others. The contempt this Administration has for the Rule of Law is mind boggling when it doesn't fit their Agenda.

Now Obama has announced he is going to New Orleans on the anniversary of Katrina. Alabama and Mississippi, states who were also hit hard, won't have to put up with an Obama visit which must make their Democrat candidates extremely happy. Want to bet his bashes President Bush in his speech? Not going to work because people of Louisiana who actually work on the rigs or in jobs that support oil drilling are not going to forget the Obama lack of interest with this Gulf spill and will remember the moratorium.

Watch him lift the moratorium and expect to be adored by Louisiana residents. The news media will be their usual adoring fan club for Obama about what he is doing for the Gulf ignoring everything he didn't do as they keep trying to fool the rest of us.

One thing he has done since being in the White House -- increased the awareness in golfing showing you can improve your golf game if you play it enough.

Jobs Take Second Place, Again
Jennifer Rubin - 08.23.2010 - 7:14 AM

The Obama team, we are told, can’t figure out how to stem unemployment. But actually, it seems they simply place job creation and preservation below other priorities. This report explains:

Senior Obama administration officials concluded the federal moratorium on deepwater oil drilling would cost roughly 23,000 jobs, but went ahead with the ban because they didn’t trust the industry’s safety equipment and the government’s own inspection process, according to previously undisclosed documents.

Critics of the moratorium, including Gulf Coast political figures and oil-industry leaders, have said it is crippling the region’s economy, and some have called on the administration to make public its economic analysis. A federal judge who in June threw out an earlier six-month moratorium faulted the administration for playing down the economic effects.
The Obama administration, the least transparent in history, however, has been actively misleading the court: ”The administration has said in court filings that the economic effect of suspended drilling wasn’t as severe as the industry asserted.” The administration turns out to have less credibility than Big Oil. (”An American Petroleum Institute spokesman said the documents show ‘the government itself understood there would be significant impacts felt throughout the region.’”)...

Read more at Commentary Magazine

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