"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Shark Tank: D.C. ‘Dirty Dozen’ Member Connie Mack- “It’s Check Mate with Hugo Chavez”

We find this very interesting that our buying oil from Chavez is what is holding up the Keystone Pipeline by Obama because he sees no need for Canadian oil via the pipeline as oil is flowing from Venezuela.   Why are we propping up a dictator that would take us out if he could and not think twice?

We believe Allen West is correct as it makes perfect sense.  Obama is not JFK who handled the Cuban Missile Crises -- he would not blink an eye if he knew Iran and Venezuela were working together on nuclear weapons.
Mack sides with Congressman Allen West in his assessment that Venezuela is becoming a nuclear threat due to its closer collaboration with Iran that strongly suggests the two countries are working on a secret missile installation that could launch missiles that could reach the United States.
What is our CIA and State Department doing?  When you are dealing with a Secretary of State who was friends with Arafat's wife, we don't expect too much.  We also think the CIA has been severely limited by the Obama Administration in what they can do.

Shame Connie Mack or Allen West didn't run for President!
D.C. ‘Dirty Dozen’ Member Connie Mack- “It’s Check Mate with Hugo Chavez”
By Javier Manjarres 
During CPAC week in Washington DC the Shark Tank sat down with U.S. senatorial candidate Connie Mack to discuss his campaign and several of the hot topic issues that are facing the country should he win election to the Senate. Mack prides himself as someone ‘bucking’ the Republican establishment through his opposition of many Democrat-lite pieces of legislation that the Republican leadership has tried to pass through the Congress. 
Congressman Mack is said to be part of the D.C. ‘Dirty Dozen’ – the twelve members that stood up to the Republican leadership over excessive government spending. Mack considers himself to be the “thorn in Boehner’s side.” 
On the growing concerns that Venezuela is developing its nuclear capabilities and missile technology, Mack believes that Venezuela should be added to the list of state sponsors of terrorism because of Hugo Chavez’s support for terror organizations like Colombia’s FARC, and the increasing number of ‘undocumented’ flights entering Venezuela from Iran. Mack sides with Congressman Allen West in his assessment that Venezuela is becoming a nuclear threat due to its closer collaboration with Iran that strongly suggests the two countries are working on a secret missile installation that could launch missiles that could reach the United States. In addition, Mack believes that once Venezuela is listed as a state sponsor of terrorism, the U.S. would not be able to buy oil from Chavez, which would then make the Keystone XL pipeline deal with neighboring Canada even more crucial to energy independence. 
If we put him on the state sponsors of Terrorism list,we can pass the Keystone XL Pipline , we can stop buying oil from Hugo Chavez, the only other place he can sell that oil is China, and the only way to get China is through the Panama Canal, if he’s on the states sponsor of Terrorism list, he can’t ship oil through the panama canal. It’s check mate with Hugo Chavez-Congressman Connie Mack

Source:  Shark Tank

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