"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Email: Unbelievable from Rick Santorum Campaign

A short time ago when I received this email, I realized that the stories of Romney running short on contributions had happened.  So where does he go?  Straight to fellow billionaire Donald Trump to raise money.  Where does Rick Santorum turn?  To the small contributors who are now helping fund his race.  

While Romney asks for $2500 per person, Rick Santorum is asking for $25 to $250 to help him fight Romney and his 'scorched earth' policy that he has now aimed at Santorum.  The good news is that when I went to http://www.ricksantorum.com to make a small donation, I had trouble getting into the site which bodes well for Santorum as he raised $3M after his wins in MO, MN, and CO.  Supporting Santorum makes you feel like you are a part of the campaign along with thousands of others.  If you make a contribution of $25 it is going to be appreciated.  With Romney it is $2500 per donor to make him happy and if you are a couple that is $5,000 for the primary.

Email this afternoon from Rick Santorum:
Dear Sharon,
American families are struggling. Our jobs are being sent overseas. And the massive debt is robbing our children of the future they deserve. And according to news accounts, where was Mitt Romney caught yesterday? With Donald Trump, at a New York law firm specializing in profiting off bankruptcies.


And get this, what were Trump and Romney doing there? Making fundraising calls together, to raise more money to run more negative attack ads against Rick Santorum. 
It’s really quite sad that Romney believes that the best way to become the Republican nominee is to tear down his opponents, rather than offer any kind of positive vision for America. But the reality is, if Rick is not able to successfully fight off Romney’s brutal attacks, Romney’s plan just may work.
If you get the opportunity, please visit Santorum's site and get the real facts not what the Romney attack machine is telling you.  Rick Santorum definitely fits in the Reagan 80% for me plus he is honest about his beliefs and has integrity which is something that is sorely needed in DC.

Please help defeat the billionaire clique by joining with other conservatives to elect a conservative as our standard bearer to take on Obama not someone who is Obama lite.

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