"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dr. Coburn on why the Senate should have the courage to pass 'Cut, Cap, and Balance'


Dr. Coburn on why the Senate should have the courage to pass 'Cut, Cap, and Balance'

“You can't solve our problem unless you do what ‘Cut, Cap, and Balance’ wants to do. We've got to fix our country, and this is the only viable plan right now that will do that” (GOP Press Conference on Cut, Cap, & Balance 7/21/11)

“We have a solution that would let us go forward…let’s not let vanity get in the way” (Senate Floor 7/21/11)

“We have lived the last 30 years in this country on the backs of those who are going to pay the taxes for the next 30 years. It's time we start paying back. It's time we start giving back. You know, the senate is a different place today than when I came to the senate” (Senate Floor 7/21/11)

“Because if you don't pass a balanced budget amendment and you don't force the discipline, the political expediency of this country will continue to reign and the problem will not be solved” (Senate Floor 7/21/11)

“We're going to hear all sorts of reasons why you can't do things, all sorts of reasons why you couldn't come up with $9 trillion, but when the American people really know what's going on, if they really go and read about back in the black, really find out about all the ways, all the duplication, all the stupidity that goes on in our government, all the lack of accountability, the lack of responsibility in bureaucratic agencies, all the silly decisions that get made to spend billions of dollars that don't really help anybody, the tax code, tax earmarks and tax credits and tax expenditures are nothing but most of the time corporate welfare or socialism” (Senate Floor 7/21/11)

“We don't have a fiscal crisis. We have a common sense crisis in this body and in the leadership in congress. We lack common sense. We lack sound judgment. And we need the hard bit of a bridle put on us through a balanced budget amendment to control us, because human nature is human nature. And whatever we do today, we'll be back to our bad habits tomorrow. Even if we pass cuts, even if we cap spending, if we don't have a balanced budget amendment that forces us to live within the constraints of our revenue, we will be back there again.” (Senate Floor 7/21/11)

To read the entire transcript of Dr. Coburn's Senate Floor speech, please click here.

Related video:

As Dr. Coburn has pointed out in the press conference, the Gang of Six is working on a budget proposal not on the debt ceiling crises which many in the media have missed.  

One of my favorite parts of his floor speech is:  “We don't have a fiscal crisis. We have a common sense crisis in this body and in the leadership in congress. We lack common sense. We lack sound judgment."  That is so true!

For those going after Dr. Coburn for not being conservative, you should be ashamed at questioning this honorable man's conservative credentials but that hasn't stopped some from the right in the past and won't stop them now or in the future.  All I know is that people I know from all over the Country have a tremendous respect for Dr. Coburn and the fact he takes the time to put a plan together while others grandstand on why why won't support something.  This Country would be a lot better off with more Dr. Coburns and less of the "NO" crowd from both sides in the Congress.

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