"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ohio is moving forward with Governor Kasich and their Balanced Budget

The State of Ohio has been on their back for some time but now under the leadership of Governor Kasich and Lt Governor Taylor and a Republican dominated legislature, they are turning it around.  Great news that Standard and Poors had adjusted their credit rating from poor to stable.  What industry is going to want to invest in a state with a poor credit rating.  The out of control spending after four years of a Democrat Governor in Ohio has been brought to a halt.          
Email this morning from Ohio Governor Kasich:
Ohio is setting the example for fiscal management and responsible budgeting, while many in Washington continue to play politics.

In fact, several credit rating agencies have voiced warnings about the dire impact that rising, unchecked debt will have on America’s economy.
Meanwhile in Ohio, Standard & Poor’s recently adjusted our credit rating from negative to stable. This is a big win for our state as it will ensure lower costs on borrowing for Ohioans and future generations.
This rating increase was because we filled a nearly $8 billion budget deficit and passed long overdue reforms in the way we provide services for taxpayers. These changes are fixing Ohio and paving the way for job creation.
Governor Kasich was elected to make the difficult decisions and that's exactly what he's doing. 
Are you with us?
Thank you for your support.
-Kasich Taylor for Ohio Team
P.S. Gov. Kasich was also recently on Hannity and Meet the Press to talk about our balanced budget and how Washington could learn some lessons from what we’re doing to create jobs. Please take a moment to watch and share your thoughts.
It is so great to see my home state begin to turn it around.  The unions in Ohio over the years have made places like Dayton almost a ghost town for manufacturing as company after company moved to Right to Work states.

What we like about Governor Kasich is that he is not afraid to tangle with the legislature when they want to spend money on useless items.  The Kasich/Taylor team has been good for the economy of Ohio and given the people hope that there will be a brighter future for jobs in Ohio.

Now if we can get just get the balanced budget amendment passed for the Federal Government
to put them on a real belt tightening budget, the Country would be looking at a brighter future for jobs and the economy.  If the balanced budget works in Ohio, it will work for the Federal Government.

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