"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Friday, October 7, 2011

David Limbaugh: Obama's Behavior Is Getting Worse

Obama's behavior is getting worse?  Thought it was already bad but looks like at the press conference yesterday he sunk to a new low.  We gave you the liberal point of view from the Huffington Post and now the point of view from a conservative columnist.  The reactions from the two sides are very similar.

One thing is very clear in that Obama is still not taking responsibility after almost three years in office, but continues to blame others and incidents for the economy.  Still have a hard time figuring out how the Japanese tsunami caused our economy to tank.  Must be missing something along the way.  Democrats were in charge of both Houses during President Bush's last two years which Obama conveniently forgets as he blames Bush.  That 'Blame Bush' mantra doesn't seem to be working any more but it hasn't stopped Obama from continuing to use that rhetoric.
He is never going to stop blaming everyone and everything but himself for the problems he has caused. Thursday, he told us yet again that our economic mess was created by George W. Bush, the Japanese tsunami, the two wars, the Republicans' gamesmanship over the debt ceiling, and Europe's financial instability. Oh, yes, and many of our problems even "predate the financial  crisis." 
The new bravado out of Obama doesn't seem to be working.  David Limbaugh in this paragraph is saying what so many of us have thought about Obama since before he took office:
Our chief executive either is a mastermind at Machiavellian manipulation or has deep psychological and emotional problems. I've never seen an adult in an important leadership position -- especially not the president of the United States -- show such frightening immaturity and self-absorption. 
Doubt if David Limbaugh is going to be getting any invites to the White House any time soon!  It is great to read articles that tell it like it is and this is one of them (my bold in article):
Obama's Behavior Is Getting Worse
David LimbaughColumnist, Townhall.com
October 7, 2011 
Obama's Thursday news conference was a sober reminder of the nature of the man in the Oval Office. I infer that even many of his supporters in the liberal media are finally catching on to the magnitude of his personality disorders. 
How could a man in his important position continue to act so childishly, accepting no responsibility for his policies and behavior and demonizing everyone who dares to disagree with or oppose him? It's worse than embarrassing; it's unsettling. 
From the conference we are reminded that Obama believes that: 
--Only "big and bold" intervention by the government can get an economy moving; so long as he cites a few "expert economists" who agree with him, there can be no other legitimate opinion. 
--Anyone who disagrees with or opposes him is engaging in partisan politics rather than acting in good faith, on principle and in the best interests of the country. Republicans have blocked him for partisan reasons for not just the past six months, but the past 2 1/2 years. He has "gone out of (his) way in every instance to find common ground" with Republicans. You know, as with "I won, John" and "I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talkin'" and "stay in the back seat." 
--If Republicans continue to oppose his jobs bill, it will be because they don't want laid-off policemen, firefighters and teachers working again. 
--The failure, waste and corruption in his $868 billion stimulus package are irrelevant when considering whether to embark on another such reckless venture. He doesn't need to explain away the damning empirical data on his stimulus bill, because economists told him it would work and therefore it did work. If he hadn't spent all that borrowed money, we would have experienced another great depression. Anyone who disputes this is either a rube or improperly motivated. 
--It doesn't matter that he famously breached his promise that unemployment would not exceed 8 percent if Congress passed his stimulus bill or that studies show that only 7 percent of the stimulus money went toward infrastructure despite his commitments to the contrary. Nor does it matter that he cavalierly joked about having lied about the existence of a plethora of "shovel-ready jobs." He is a well-meaning liberal, after all. 
--His good intentions also exempt him from accountability on the Solyndra scandal, because his ideology inclines him toward a blind faith in the existence of cataclysmic man-made global warming, which in turn requires him to mandate government subsidization of "green technologies." Those allegedly noble intentions further entitle him to a pass for ignoring those who warned the government not to proceed with the project. His intentions relieve him from responsibility for Solyndra's abject failure to meet the projections of the same kind of geniuses he is berating us for not following on his jobs bill. 
--He has complete confidence in Eric Holder, so he doesn't need to worry about the facts on "Fast and Furious," either; Holder's dubious testimony is of no concern to Obama, and he doesn't have to answer for it, because he trusts Holder, and therefore, so should we. Besides, even if it should turn out that Holder did something wrong, Holder is the attorney general and Obama's not responsible for him. 
Excerpt:  Read More at Town Hall
Even when all the facts point to problems in Obama's Administration, he refuses to acknowledge there are any problems from Solynrda to Fast and Furious -- nothing to see, move along.  Talk about someone who refuses to take responsibility for anything, Obama rises to the top of any list.  The Attorney General has been far from up front and ethical over Obama's term starting with the Black Panther voter intimidation early in the Administration and it has gone downhill from there but he garners praise from Obama.

It is time for Republicans to take off the gloves and hit Obama harder with the facts because it looks like he cannot stand to be challenged.  His 'my way or no way' is going to be his downfall as it is for most people.  Unless you are a dictator, it doesn't work in any field.  People will not work hard for those who refuse to take responsibility for making a mistake and consider themselves perfect.  Their employees are going to start looking for another job.  In this instance, the easiest thing to do is replace Obama, the wannabe dictator, at the ballot box on November 6, 2012, and solve this crises of a President who will never take responsibility for anything as it is always someone else's fault.  Time to put an adult in charge as President!

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