"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nevada Caucus Date: Nevada Moves Date To Feb. 4

With each passing day, it is become obvious that we may have the weakest Republican National Committee Chairman ever.  You want more evidence all you need to know is how he offered perks to Nevada GOP to move their primary date back to Feb 4th, but they had to get Mitt Romney's approval to do so.  Want to guess who had a hand in installing the Wisconsin Chair as the RNC Chair?  My money is on Karl Rove so Romney would have someone on his side as the RNC Chair.
Nevada Republicans also stand to earn some perks at the party's national convention in Florida next August. As part of negotiations in recent days, the Republican National Committee promised Nevada delegates they could sit on the floor "in the best positions," and would have prime hotel space if they made the change, according to Nevada GOP Chairwoman Amy Tarkanian.
Iowa is still going to hold their caucus on 3 January which is ludicrous considering that is only two days after New Year's Day.  This whole election cycle with so many debates has been strange not to mention the phony polls we are seeing that don't come close to reality.  Rasmussen is doing his usual polling that will only come out as accurate nearer the election.  He has done that for years.  He does polling now of some of the most worthless questions.  Anyone trusting Rasmussen needs a dose of reality.  How many polling companies leave out Middle America now when they poll?  We have one group of establishment types that control Fox News who switched their polling company to a more liberal one for this election cycle.  Reminds me of 2006 and some of the phony polls we saw for Governor's races.

Honesty would be nice in elections and perhaps bring voters back to the polls who don't believe their vote counts now.  The very idea that Nevada had to check with the Romney campaign (see article below with my highlights) to see if it was alright to change the date to February shows he was involved in moving up the date for his own purpose.  You don't see Texas moving up their date.  I find this totally disgusting and think it is time for the RNC to change their rules on who can be elected Chair to find the best person not someone beholding to a consultant.
Nevada Caucus Date: Nevada Moves Date To Feb. 4

10/22/11 07:20 PM ET 
 MANCHESTER, N.H. — Nevada Republicans have shifted their presidential caucuses to early February, a move that ends an increasingly bitter standoff among rival states and for the first time clarifies the path to the Republican presidential nomination. 
There will be no voting before Christmas. That's despite warnings from New Hampshire's top election official that Nevada's initial insistence to host its contest in mid-January could force the Granite State to schedule the nation's first Republican primary election in roughly six weeks. 
But facing boycott threats from campaigns, incentive offers from the Republican National Committee, and the private blessing of the Mitt Romney campaign, Nevada Republicans voted Saturday to set their caucuses for Feb. 4. It will be the West's first stop in the race for the Republican presidential nomination and the fifth contest overall, after Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida. 
"The candidates are anxious to come here and campaign and don't want to have the heat put on them by New Hampshire to stay away," former Nevada Gov. Bob List, a national Republican committeeman, said before Saturday's vote. "We have to eat a little crow perhaps in some people's minds, but I think in the end it's a win-win." 
The calendar scramble had consumed Republican officials in early voting states and complicated candidates' decisions about travel, the timing of television advertisements and the distribution of limited resources. But with New Hampshire now free to settle on its preferred date of Jan. 10, the final puzzle pieces appear to have fallen into place. 
Excerpt:  Read More at Huffington Post

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