"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

“Why I Support Rick Perry” — Dr. Melissa Clouthier

“Why I Support Rick Perry” — Dr. Melissa Clouthier

Posted on October 5th, 2011

Dr. Melissa Clouthier, a widely-read and well-respected conservative blogger, wrote a great piece on her support of Rick Perry to get America working again:
Rick Perry will be the next President of the United States if I have anything to do with it.
Who am I? I’m a mom, a doctor, a business owner, a former Michigander, Californian and New Yorker, a conservative with a libertarian streak, a Tea Party attender and reporter, a blogger, an activist, and for 14 years, a Texan.
Dr. Clouthier is also one of the most prolific conservatives on twitter.
I live under the light hand of the Texas system–a hand that Governor Perry has done everything in his power to make lighter. He cut the size and scope of government even as the Texas population grew faster than any place in the nation. We started a business here with nothing but a credit card. You know how much money we were making a month when we first moved here fourteen years ago? Two thousand a month. Gross. With a baby. Slowly, surely, we built our business and life here. 
When we first got to Texas, my husband worked with doctors who were heavily involved in the Worker’s Comp (work injuries) and Personal Injury (car accidents) system. It was rife with abuse. There were rings of lawyers, doctors, and accident fakers who exploited the system. Governor Perry directly took on the fraud and abuse which meant taking on the trial lawyers association. In one day after the law was passed (my husband had long since gone into practice for himself and had a holistic practice), the shysters lost the whole scam. It was beautiful to behold. 
And then, this last year, Governor Perry pushed through “loser pays” on lawsuits. I cannot even tell you how much lawyers in Texas hate Rick Perry. And it’s one reason I love his record. It’s also a reason, they’ll fight tooth and nail against him nationally.
Perry has curbed malpractice judgments. So now, doctors are moving to Texas in droves. The Houston medical center is a haven of medical innovation and bold new treatments. People fly from all over the country to come here for cancer treatment and more. When a family member was diagnosed with cancer, do you know how long it took to get an appointment with the number one specialist in the world? Less than one week. I would shudder to be in Massachusetts suffering under impossibly long doctor wait times. 
Rick Perry has fought Barack Obama from day one. I don’t know how many lawsuits have been filed back and forth against the federal government, but I know there’s multiple fights with the EPA, there’s Obamacare, there’s Medicaid, there’s the border, and on and on. Other people talk about fighting President Obama. Governor Perry has gone straight at President Obama’s socialist agenda and tangled with him both rhetorically and in the courts of law.
Dr. Clouthier offers a clear distinction between Rick Perry, President Obama, and the other GOP candidates, highlighting Gov. Perry’s record and conservative resolve.
I want our president to know what it’s like to have skin in the game, to be in the military…to sacrifice. Rick Perry was a C-130 air force pilot who finished as Captain. Pilots need to make quick decisions in demanding situations..life and death decisions. 
Governor Perry is solidly anti-abortion, pro-gun-rights, anti-job killing regulations, pro-capitalist, pro-America, pro-Israel, and for economic expansion. More than being for these things, his professional walk supports these things. He doesn’t just talk or evangelize (though he does both), his record supports these principles. 
I believe that Governor Perry can bring the success that his administration facilitated in Texas to America. The Obama-Keynesian experiment has been an abject failure. What’s the alternative? A mushy Mitt Romneyesque big government Republicanism that expands the power of the government just at a slower rate? A rhetorical flourish from a businessman with no legislative experience?
 Read Dr. Clouthier’s full write-up here.
As I read Dr. Clouthier's full article, I was sitting here thinking she speaks for a lot of us who have witnessed what Rick Perry has done in Texas.  Even black Texas Democrats are saying he is not the least bit racist so what gives with some of our attack dog candidates who ignore facts?  Would they rather scare senior citizens like Romney or declare that they won't support Perry because a rock makes him racist like Cain?  Just like on Gardisil when Bachmann wouldn't let it go.  What's with our candidates who cannot seem to get it through their head that Obama is the enemy?

When Obama came to Texas this week, he was greeted with an ad by Perry.  This week Romney was at The Villages in Florida scaring senior citizens on what Perry would do for social security.  Unlike Romney who has flip flopped BTW, Perry understands the problem younger people are facing with the Social Security scheme.  Never has Gov Perry advocated that current recipients or those near retirement would have their benefits changed.  That doesn't stop Romney from lying and saying he does.

I still haven't recovered from Herman Cain going on Hannity, discovering the truth about the rock and refusing to apologize to Governor Perry.  Is this what happens when you were a Romney supporter in 2008 and now running in the race with him.  You forget your integrity because this sure shocked me out of Cain.  Cain has no Government experience at all so why is he running when we need someone that understands what it is going to take and how the bureaucracy works?  Who got Cain in the race and why?  Was it to run interference for Romney because that looks to be what is happening?

We have to take a stand that we will accept no more candidates being chosen by the elites and the media.  Another tainted debate out of Fox News like Orlando and Fox should never be allowed to moderate a debate again.  After you learn what happened from Howard Kurtz with the facts of the biased Fox debate, then Fox News people along with Roger Ailes have a real problem with integrity and credibility.

There are some so-called conservative sites who have also been playing right along with Fox News in trying to push candidates who are not conservative or have little to no experience.  Why?  Who is pulling their chains and what would be gained to have a candidate like Romney who is not a conservative or Cain with no experience when we know Cain endorsed Romney in 2008?   I shudder to think what it would be like as Romney is not conservative.  Might be the biggest bait and switch ever.  If Cain is conservative, how could he endorse Romney in 2008?  Will someone answer that question?

All the answers go back to the elitist, insider Republicans who want to choose our candidate who would enhance their bottom lines the most and could care less about what happens to the Country if what we are witnessing is an example.  The attacks with lies and innuendos against Governor Perry are so far over the top that they leave a lot of us wondering why so much vitriol from fellow Republicans toward a sitting Governor of a state that is doing very well compared to the rest.  Whatever the reason it is not something I want to keep witnessing out of Republicans but we don't see it stopping with Rove and Ailes in the background pulling puppet strings.  This is hurting Republicans as a whole and that one group doesn't seem to care.

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