"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rick Perry's Cut, Balance, and Grow Plan for America

Yesterday as I watching this speech by Governor Perry, I was reminded of how simple this would all be and had to ask why did flat tax plans not get approved earlier?  The answer is quite obvious -- special interest groups -- the same ones keeping social security and medicare from being fixed.  The leaders of those groups are in the White House, Senate, and one was Speaker until she was ousted in the last election.  The lobbying community on both sides most like do not like this plan not to mention the people who make all the money off of doing taxes as the tax code has become extremely complicated.  That means the average American citizen should love the plan.

How about having a President and a Congress who put American citizens first?  Governor Perry is backed by the grassroots Republicans -- not the establishment who support Romney or the very wealthy Koch Brothers who support Cain.  He is supported by those of us who have volunteered in campaigns for years and who understand this Perry plan would be best for the middle class and those less fortunate.  It is good for senior citizens as it saves Social Security and Medicare, and cuts all the regulations that are on the books.  My sales tax stays the same so what is there not to like since it gives us a choice.

Fix the Tax Code

A simple, optional flat income tax rate of 20%, preserving deductions for mortgage interest, charity, and state/local taxes. No federal sales tax or VAT. End taxes on Social Security benefits. End the death tax and taxes on qualified dividends and long-term capital gains. End corporate loopholes, reduce corporate income tax rate to 20%, and more.  Read More

Fix the Federal Regulatory System

Institute an immediate moratorium on all pending regulations, audit every regulation passed since 2008, create a public database of all regulations for transparency, and more.  Read More

Preserve Social Security for all Generations of Americans

Preserve benefits for current recipients and those approaching retirement age, protect the Social Security Trust Fund, give younger workers the option to own their contributions, allow state employees to opt out, and more. Read More

Reform Medicare and Medicaid to Improve Health Care

Make Medicare sustainable for the long-term, empower consumers while reducing fraud and waste, return power to the states to increase quality of care and access to care. Read More

Repeal Job-Killing Legislation

Repeal Obamacare--the budget-busting government takeover of our healthcare system, repeal Dodd-Frank--which has enshrined "too big to fail" institutions, repeal harmful Sarbanes-Oxley regulations that are incredibly burdensome on small businesses. Read More

Balance the Budget

A Balanced Budget Amendment without raising taxes, capping federal spending at 18% of GDP, reducing non-defense discretionary spending, no more earmarks, no more bailouts, and much, much more. Read More

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