"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Reminder from the Past -- Obama Bowing to the Saudi King

How much influence does the Saudi Government have today in the United States with the Obama Administration?   Are the Saudi's the ones telling us to get out of Iraq by the end of the year with no real plan in place?  Has Obama sold out the United States for foreign oil?  If a Saudi Prince can ensure that Rupert Murdoch stays head of News Corp with his 8% share, what else are they doing in this Country.  

Are the Saudi's the reason that Schumer (D-NY) and Lee (R-UT) want to pass a bill so that foreigners can buy houses worth over $500,000, as we detailed yesterday?  When I was posting the article on the purchase of homes over $500,000, I had to wonder if this bill was aimed toward Saudi investors.  How deep are the Saudi's into this Administration and others since President Reagan?  Is this why the Republican Rockefeller establishment tanked Rudy and Thompson in 2008 and are trying to tank Governor Perry this time in favor of Mitt Romney, the establishment Republican candidate of Bush 41?  Would Romney carry on the very close ties with the Saudi Government to ensure oil continues to flow?  How deep do those Saudi ties go with the Bush Family led by Bush 41 and now Obama?

We have plenty of questions but few answers and would welcome anyone's comments that would detail just how deep the Saudi Government is in our Government.  If you have anything to add or would like to write an article, please send it to truesoft.474@gmail.com

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