"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, October 17, 2011

IBD: Perry's Jobs Plan: Drill, Baby, Drill

This is the key to why Governor Perry needs to become President.  He understands our energy industry and what it takes to make this Country self sufficient.  It is one thing to say "Drill Baby Drill" but if you don't have the background of governing a oil and gas producing state, it is pretty hollow words.  How many of today's candidates even realize we have not had a new refinery come on-line since the 1976 due to government regulations that make it too expensive and virtually impossible to build a new refinery.   Do people not realize the new jobs that would be created with building a new refinery plus it would be much more efficient.  These words are what is needed and because the Governor understands what has been happening with oil and gas, his words mean something.  Governor Jindal (LA) and Gov Fallin (OK) also understand what our three states have been going through with the overregulation of oil and gas.
"America should not be — and when I'm president of the United States, will not be — held hostage by foreign oil and federal bureaucrats," Perry promised.
What does Herman Cain know about oil and gas?  Maybe there is a video game like Sim City he could use for oil and gas like he has for his 9-9-9 plan.  Romney could care less as he has never made an attempt to understand the oil and gas industry and why he gets donations from Wall Street not oil and gas.  Wall Street gets the sweetheart deals from the federal government and oil and gas get more regulation so that OPEC can continue to supply our needs so gas prices stay high.

IBD has it figured out with the Perry plan but where are a lot of the MSM media?  Are they afraid to give Gov Perry any credit for fear he might be the nominee in spite of the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove, Roger Ailes and Fox News?
Perry's Jobs Plan: Drill, Baby, Drill
Posted 07:00 PM ET 

Election '12: A governor of an energy-rich state would use the "energy of the past" to create the jobs of the present rather than placing bets on solar panels and tilting at windmills. 
During the GOP presidential debates, Gov. Rick Perry was criticized for taking all the credit for Texas' job-creation record since he was not responsible for the oil and gas in the ground that created many of those jobs. 
True enough. But like Sarah Palin, the governor of another energy-rich state, he did foster a business-friendly climate as free from NIMBY regulations as possible, making the extraction of that energy a reality. He has fought the good fight against an Environmental Protection Agency that is at war with Texas — an EPA determined to shut down domestic fossil fuel production.
On Friday, Perry stood on a giant dock at a U.S. Steel plant in West Mifflin, Pa., to announce his plan to create an estimated 1.2 million jobs by freeing America's energy producers of burdensome federal regulations and reopening federal land and offshore water to energy exploration and production. 
The Obama administration says it's already doing this, even after EPA regulations such as its cross-state pollution rule threatens to eviscerate energy production from coal. And after Obama's de facto moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico through a glacial permitting process. Plus, outright bans remain elsewhere, including ANWR. 
Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt issued a statement saying Perry's "energy policy isn't the way to win the future; it's straight out of the past — doubling down on finite resources with no plan to promote innovation or to transition the nation to a clean energy economy." 
Yet the administration's energy policy, if that's what you call it, clearly is not creating jobs — certainly not at solar outfits like the stimulus-subsidized Solyndra that went bankrupt and left 1,100 workers without work. 
Little in Perry's plan is new, merely a restatement of the obvious that domestic energy production has in the past generated jobs, revenue and economic growth and can do so in the future. 
"America should not be — and when I'm president of the United States, will not be — held hostage by foreign oil and federal bureaucrats," Perry promised.
Standing next to rows of steel coils and steel transmission pipe used for oil and natural gas pipelines, as well as a natural-gas-powered forklift, Perry said that in his first few days as president he'd strip the EPA of its regulatory power over greenhouse gas emissions and air-quality standards for power plants that shut them down, stifling job and economic growth while causing energy prices to skyrocket. 
Perry pledged support for the Keystone XL pipeline, which would bring Canadian tar sands oil from our North American friend and ally to Texas refineries. He argued for full exploitation of the natural gas resources of the Marcellus Shale formation under parts of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. 
"Right here in Pennsylvania, and across the state line in West Virginia and Ohio, we will tap the full potential of the Marcellus Shale and create another 250,000 jobs," he said. "We have the resources we need to fuel our cars, our homes and our power plants. They can be found in ... Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Alabama, Kentucky, throughout the American West and, of course, Alaska."\ 
Certainly the development of the Bakken Shale formation centered in North Dakota proves Perry's point. At its current pace, North Dakota will produce more than 560,000 barrels of oil per day by January 2012, then will pass No. 3 California (540,000 barrels per day) and No.2 Alaska (550,000 barrels per day) to become America's second-largest oil producer. In the process, this one small state has added 16,200 oil-related jobs. 
Drill, baby, drill to create jobs, baby, jobs. 
Read More at IBD

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