"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Facts on Romney from CNN's John King

Unlike Fox News, looks like CNN knows the difference between Romney spin and the facts.  Thanks to John King from CNN for pointing out the truth.  Fox News is shilling so hard for Romney right now that not sure they are capable of reporting the truth.

From a Red State.com comment post about Fox News:   Dick Morris say on Bill O’Reilly that what the candidates say does not matter, the only thing that matters is what they say, as in Him and the rest of Fox News. He just admitted that he thinks he and Fox news is the one who picks the winner. Some one tell me this is not happening. I’m watching CNN from now on.  

What this poster on Red State heard is what we have been hearing from a lot of people that Fox News (Ailes/Rove) are in the tank for Romney -- looks like we are not the only ones thinking that.  Also Dick Morris is touting the Cain 9-9-9 plan against some of the best economist in the world.  So the fix is in by Fox News or they think it is for the establishment.  I find it reprehensible that anyone who is supposed to be in the media would make such a statement as Dick Morris.  If Fox News had any ethics left, they would fire him on the spot but Dick Morris represents what Fox News has become -- totally unethical.  I join the Red State poster in switching to CNN.  Anderson Cooper was a much better moderator for the debate than anyone from Fox News.  

Wish CALPERS and the rest of the retirement funds good luck in ousting the Murdochs from NewsCorp and then Roger Ailes.  There isn't one ounce of integrity left in that group.   The fact Fox News wants to choose our candidate makes my blood boil.  It is like elections don't matter as long as Fox News has their way and will do anything to see Romney as the candidate.  They have forgotten that we still vote and that set-up debate in Orlando against Governor Perry will not be forgotten.  Fox News is demonstrating what is bad about the media while John King, CNN, is showing what it is like to be ethical in this case and search for the facts.  

Then we found this on Red State as well:
Romney has so many liberal skeletons in the closet (http://www.redstate.com/erick/2011/10/19/mitt-romney-bleeds-i-star-in-the-film/#comment-135671 
that his team is going to be so busy on defense that Romney won’t be able to concentrate on offense. 
It is amazing what you can find in a google search. I found the following, all corroborated with source references: 
As recently as 2007, Mitt Romney was a member of the Republican Main Street Partnership, a liberal Republican group. They opposed the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and set up a 527 campaign committee that received funding from far left funder George Soros. While campaigning for Governor Romney said, “I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.”
As recently as 1994 Romney was bashing Republicans by attacking the “Contract with America” statement as “a mistake” and considered it too partisan, even though its most ideological plank was to call for a balanced budget. Wonder why Newt hasn’t called him out on this? 
There may be more to the LDS and immigration issue than Mitt wants to have people know about: http://www.theusreport.com/the-us-report/2011/10/19/the-immigration-report-romney-and-fox-news-dont-talk-about.html?mid=509357 
Stay tuned for the air waves war! I may actually have to turn on FoxNews again just to see the ads.
This came about after Romney released one of the nastiest ads that I have ever seen against Governor Perry.  He used clips from the biased Orlando debate with the CNN background to make it look like it was last night but they had clips of what Eric Erickson of Red State had to say but he was not at the debate last night.  It is totally unethical but what we have come to expect out of the flip flopper from MA Mitt Romney!  The headline from Hot Air:
Brutal new Romney ad: Rick Perry’s a moron; Update: Romney pulls ad? 
Update: Bryan Preston e-mails at 10:30 ET to note that the ad has now disappeared from YouTube. True enough, but don’t assume that that means it’s gone for good. Sometimes ads get pulled temporarily because someone has challenged a piece of footage in the spot on copyright grounds. Maybe they’re just re-editing it. If they really have yanked it, though, it’s a total embarrassment. Who greenlit an ad this brutal without clearing it with Mitt and his top advisors first?
My money is on this is a Karl Rove ad.  Do I think Romney green lighted it -- absolutely after last night's debate where you could see he was steamed at Perry and Santorum for daring to challenge the anointed one.  After watching CNN's John King you find out that Rick Perry and Rick Santorum were both right in their attacks on Romney.   The real Romney who is thin skinned is now  coming out.

Time for voters to tell Fox News to get lost and quit watching that channel because they are no friend of conservatives with support Mitt Romney, the MA Liberal Republican who the Republican Rockefeller establishment Republicans love!  Figures!

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