"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just who is this RE TEA PARTY sending out Cain's Ad for money for 9-9-9?

I received an email from a group called the RE Tea Party this afternoon -- it is not Tea Party Express, TP Nation or TP Patriots.  This was one group I had never heard the name and with a name like RE Tea Party, I would have definitely remembered.  The email irritated me to no end because I had never signed up to be on their email list so I decided to take a look at just who was running this group.  When I went to the site, I could not locate who was in charge which I thought odd.  I decided to go to Who Is Lookup to find who was behind RE Tea Party.  Surprise, surprise:

Registrant:  Polaction
Registered through: GoDaddy.com,IInc. (http://www.godaddy.com)
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Reteaparty.com Traffic Statistics

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Reteaparty.com Server Details
IP address: Location:
San Antonio, TX in United States
Rackspace Hosting
Imagine my shock when I found Meet-Up and Re Tea Party were related.  Somewhere in the back of my brain I knew it was a liberal that started Meet-Up and found out he is still there.

Scott Heiferman the founder of MeetUp looks to have ties to Soros as he keeps popping up to speak at Soros events.  If Heiferman is the CEO of Meet-Up what relationship does he have to RE TeaParty?  Are the liberals using RE TeaParty to push Cain as the easiest for Obama to beat? Am I being too paranoid?

Since I kept finding links to Heiferman speaking at events with other Soros 'friends', I decided to look further and found this:

The independent events, some simply community discussions, have been loosely tracked with Facebook, Google maps and links lists. Now, group meeting platform Meetup.com is assisting the protesters in their grassroots efforts. 
“We were contacted by the good people at Meetup.com, who got in touch because they heard we were in need of some technical assistance and advice,” says a blog post on Occupy Together, a site linked by Occupy Wall Street websites and protest publication The Occupied Wall Street Journal‘s Kickstarter page. “Little did we know we’d go from listing 4-5 locations in one night to receiving hundreds of emails in a day. We were slowing the flow of information because us volunteers weren’t able to keep up.”
Meetup previously worked with activist magazine Adbusters, an early organizer of the protests, on a project called “buy nothing day,” according to Meetup VP of community and strategy Andres Glusman. Adbusters made the introduction between Meetup and Occupy Together, which ultimately decided to use the platform’s free organizing tool, Meetup Everywhere.
Then looked even further and discovered The Social Networking Behind Egypt's Unrest.  As I am reading this and thinking that some of this is starting to make sense, I read this paragraph:
At the opening reception last night, hosted at Google’s headquarters, I met a smart bunch of people from organizations such as Blue State Digital (which ran Obama’s online campaign), Howcast, Middle East peace activists One Voice, and the East London-based Young Foundation. 
But the highlight is an A-list bunch of conference speakers at the conference today and tomorrow — including Jack Dorsey of Twitter, Sir Martin Sorrell of WPP, Scott Heiferman of MeetUp, as well as top people from Google, YouTube and the World Bank. Other keynote speakers include Jeremy Gilley, the former actor who founded Peace One Day, and Joe Rospars, who was the new-media director for Obama for America. 
You can sense the scale of their practical ambition from the title of some of the sessions: one is called Tech Solutions to Repressive Regimes.
and then this from the same article:
Google and the State Department appear to feel very confident about their role in assisting global uprisings, but we might have a few suggestions. In their next AYM Summit, they might want to consider adding some workshops on the backgrounds of the participants they are training and considering who might come in to fill the void left by the people they dispose. Just a thought.
As it is, this social networking experiment has taken a dangerous turn and leaves us wondering which country might be next on the list for a little “social networking. 
Our State Department and Google are adding to the unrest in the Middle East?  Where is our media on all of this or don't they consider meddling in the affairs of a foreign country important?

Now we have this from Heiferman:
From Canada to Meetup.com Excerpt:
Mr. Heiferman commended their efforts. “It’s the fastest-growing thing we’ve seen on Meetup,” he said. Though Mr. Heiferman has given small donations to a fund for the protesters’ newspaper, The Occupied Wall Street Journal, he is quick to draw a line between his personal activities and the company he runs. 
Mr. Heiferman said that although he had a personal interest in Occupy Together, Meetup was a politically neutral tool. “We believe that whenever people are organizing and getting together, that’s a good thing,” he said. “I met with Glenn Beck last year.” 
We know Ron Paul people use Meetup but did you know there are a number of Democrat Ron Paul Meetup sites?  Is that why he does well in polls but not at the ballot box?  More on that as more information is discovered.

Here you have the email that started all the research because I didn't recognize their name.  How many Tea Party groups that have sprung up are actually fronts for Democrats?  That is why we have thought the local Tea Party was the only way to go and nothing at the national level.  After we have found out about Re Tea Party we are even more convinced.  At local level you know the people or you can find out who they are but at the National level you have no clue their real ideology.

The $64,000 question is what do the Koch Brothers have to do with all this on Cain as it has been rumored they are using Americans for Prosperity to support Cain?  More research for another day but I am not alone as other sites are picking up on there is something wrong with the National Tea Party movement.

The Pink Flamingo blog has been putting the puzzle pieces together on the Tea Party movement financed by Fox for sometime but this gives a whole new dimension to what the Tea Party is all about.

Here is the email that set off the research which is filled with spin about the Cain 9-9-9 plan which some people would call lies:

RE Tea Party
Please read a special message from Friends of Herman Cain, Inc. We believe that you'll find the message informative. From time-to-time we may send you messages that we feel are important to the Tea Party.

Dear Patriot,

Last week's CNN debate was my first debate as the clear front runner in the GOP primary. I am truly honored and humbled to be in this position. My recent surge in the polls is a clear indication that Americans are hearing my message loud and clear.
Friends, I am a problem solver, and America needs a common sense problem solver in the White House!
But, I need your help today. Most of my GOP opponents are career politicians who have established massive fundraising networks nationwide, and the first primaries could be held in as few as 60 days! Please make a secure contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, or more, up to the legal maximum, to my campaign for President.
CNN's moderator, Anderson Cooper, asked which candidate could beat Obama. Well, according to a recently released Rassmussen Poll, if the election were held today, I am the ONLY Republican who would defeat President Obama!
This is a game changer, because its the first time that a GOP candidate has polled ahead of President Obama.
You see, Americans are looking for new solutions. They are tired of the same old rhetoric. That is why my 9-9-9 Plan has gained so much attention, and why my fellow GOP contenders are so intimidated of my 9-9-9 Plan.
The 9-9-9 Plan offers a new, real solution to our economic troubles.
It will stimulate the economy through the private sector by closing loopholes, minimizing job killing taxes, and eliminating uncertainty from the economy.
And let me be clear, the 9-9-9 Plan is a jobs plan, it is revenue neutral, it does not raise taxes on those that are making the least. Let's throw out the 10 million word mess and put in our plan which will liberate the American workers and liberate American businesses.
But now I need your help more than ever to spread the word about my 9-9-9 Plan. Please donate a most generous gift today.
Time is short! The critical New Hampshire primary may take place in as little as 60 days.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity. With your support, we can elect a real, common sense problem solver to the White House.
Herman Cain - Signature Herman Cain
Paid for by Friends of Herman Cain
[Sent to ]
RE Tea Party • 2089 Judson Street • San Diego, CA • 92111

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