"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How Much Income Tax Would Warren Buffet Pay under Cain's 9-9-9 Plan? ZERO!

This last paragraph says it all about today's current tax situation that the Cain 9-9-9 makes it even worse.
The possibility that millionaires and billionaires such as Buffett may pay no income taxes is coming at a time when many Americans are calling for higher taxes on the wealthy. A recent study showed that a quarter of millionaires actually pay less in taxes than some of the middle class.
The people who are saying under the Cain plan the wealthy get richer and the middle class and poor will pay more tax is correct.  We don't need some video game plan, we need to close the tax loopholes first and go from there.

How is the federal government supposed to pay their bills with this Cain plan which is now being reviewed?  To discover that Warren Buffet and other wealthy people would pay no tax under the Cain plan makes my blood boil.  Just what is up with Cain and why are people supporting him is the question a lot of us are asking.  The former pizza man who drove Godfather's Pizza almost into the ground now seems to want to do the same to the Country.

Just say NO to Herman Cain and this lunacy of a plan!
Warren Buffett Would Most Likely Pay No Income Tax Under Herman Cain's '999' Tax Plan: Analysis

Warren Buffett might want to pay more taxes, but if Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain gets elected, Buffett might not pay any taxes at all. 
If implemented, Cain's "999" tax plan would eliminate taxes on capital gains, significantly reducing Buffett's tax rate because his ordinary income, outside of capital gains, comes to about $4.9 million. Cain's plan would cap corporate, income and sales tax at 9 percent. According to an analysis prepared for Yahoo's Lookout by the American Institute of Certified Public accountants, the 999 plan would leave Buffett paying around $440,000 in income tax, or 1.1 percent of his approximate $40 million in currently taxable income. 
As ThinkProgress notes, after deducting charitable deductions, which Cain plans to preserve in his tax plan, Buffett would likely pay no income taxes at all under 999. While the Berkshire Hathaway CEO hasn't disclosed all of charitable donations, it seems likely they would surpass his taxes. 
The prospect of Buffet paying no taxes might shock, especially in the face of his recent commentary. In his August New York Times op-ed, he stated that the $6,938,744 (or 17.4 percent of his taxable income) he paid in taxes last year wasn't enough. 
Melissa Labant, the accountant who prepared the analysis for Yahoo, did note some potential flaws in the calculations. However, the rough estimate is pretty accurate, based upon the information Buffett has released, and the scarce details of the plan Cain has touted:
For instance, Buffett may or may not be subject to the alternative minimum tax, and he may or may not have foreign tax credits created by taxes he paid in other countries. We also don't know the exact amount of his charitable giving. Nor do we know whether Cain's plan would exempt all such giving, or make distinctions between different types of contributions, as some tax systems do.
This latest revelation is just one of the ways critics have derided the 999 plan as Cain has risen in the polls. Critics have been quick to point out that under this plan, some, especially less affluent Americans, would see a rise in taxes
Currently, tax cuts for the rich cost Americans about $11.6 million every hour. Under "999" it's possible that that expense could get even larger wealthy, though federal corporate and sales tax percentages set at 9 percent may offset the number to some degree. 
Read More at the Huffington Post

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