"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, October 24, 2011

“Gov. Romney OKd healthcare for illegal immigrants”

We are beginning to notice a pattern here.  The media like the Los Angeles Times, who we note has a tendency to lean left, has not been silent on what Romney has been doing over the years but yet the so-called more conservative media like Fox News and some of the blogs that are owned by some large conservative groups have not been forthcoming about Romney.  

Once again the LA Times is out front on Romney and what RomneyCare was all about.  Now we are learning that then Romney OKd free healthcare for illegal immigrants.  No wonder he didn't mind having a Mormon lawncare service use illegals on his landscaping as he had already approved free healthcare for illegals.

To top it off, Romney lied about this being implemented after he left office when it was on the website three days after he signed the bill.  When does Romney tell the truth?  More and more it is beginning to look like Romney and the truth are not friends.  He may fool Fox News but he is not going to fool the LA Times.  Romney outright lied this time and just didn't do a flip flop.

There was a reason that Romney could not get much traction in 2008 and firmly believe no matter what the polls say that he has less traction today.  Also looks like Cain is in the race to try and swing votes to a Romney/Cain ticket -- just great two liberal types who cannot give a straight answer on abortion or much else anything else running together.  There is no track record on Cain being conservative just what he tells us.  Something about some of his comments leads us to believe he is not much more conservative then Romney which is pretty much not at all plus Cain has almost zero knowledge of the powers of the President and the Constitution.  Two candidates running as faux conservatives to get votes in the Republican primary who continue to flip flop.  Pretty disgusting.

How did Romney have the nerve to say anything to Gov Perry about illegal immigrants when he approved free healthcare for illegals in MA?  Talk about a hypocrite -- the #1 example today would be Mitt Romney to go with his arrogance.  Did he think this was going to stay buried since Fox News has pretty much buried negatives on Romney?  At least the other media outlets are not in the back pocket of Karl Rove and Roger Ailes.
“Gov. Romney OKd healthcare for illegal immigrants”
Posted on October 24th, 2011 
Romney’s 2004 rules allowed benefits for illegal immigrants 
The Los Angeles Times is reporting Mitt Romney’s signature achievement while Governor of Massachusetts – Romneycare – includes provisions that allow illegal immigrants to receive full health benefits for free. 
According to the L.A. Times, then-Gov. Romney and his administration knew about provisions in the Romneycare that would allow illegal immigrants to receive free health care. The Times reported: “…there was broad understanding when Romney signed it that at least some people who would benefit would be in the country illegally.” [1] 
“Governor Romney’s government-mandated health care plan provided free care for illegal immigrants in Massachusetts, establishing just the kind of illegal immigration magnet Governor Romney claims to oppose,” said Perry spokesman Mark Miner. “Program rules established by the Romney Administration in 2004 clearly state that citizenship is not required for free health care and subsidies and health centers cannot consider citizenship before rendering that free care.” 
Rules adopted by the Romney Administration on May 1, 2004, for Free Care defined eligibility as residency in Massachusetts with no requirement for citizenship. The rules also clearly state that “a Hospital or Community Health Center shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, citizenship… in its policies, or in its application of policies, concerning the acquisition and verification of financial information, pre-admission or pretreatment deposits, payment plans, deferred or rejected admissions, or eligibility for Free Care.” [2] 
Romneycare, which President Obama’s health care takeover was modeled after, has already been shown to have killed 18,000 jobs in Massachusetts and resulted in $8 billion in additional cost to taxpayers. [3, 4] 
“When faced with the illegal immigrant benefits this morning, the Romney campaign tried to deny indisputable facts and to cover their tracks by blaming Gov. Patrick,” Miner continued. “The truth is Gov. Romney’s plan intended to provide free health care to illegal immigrants, and the law and rules he approved were clear about providing free health care to illegal immigrants.” 
Romney’s campaign is falsely claiming that provisions referenced in the Times’ story were implemented after Romney left office. [5] 
However, the official Massachusetts Free Care website was updated three days after Gov. Romney signed Romneycare into law. Under “Am I eligible?” the site clearly states: “Your citizenship or immigration status does not affect your eligibility.” [6] 
The Times also reported John McDonough, a former consumer advocate who worked extensively on the healthcare effort in Massachusetts, said: “There is no question that lots of different kinds of people, including undocumented immigrants, obtain medically necessary services as result of this program.” [1] 
SOURCES[1] “Gov. Romney OKd healthcare for illegal immigrants.” Los Angeles Times, 10/23/11, http://www.latimes.com/health/la-na-romney-healthcare-20111024,0,6849099.story[2] 114.6 CMR: Division Of Health Care Finance And Policy, 5/1/04, http://www.mass.gov/Eeohhs2/docs/dhcfp/g/regs/114_6_10.pdf[3] “The High Price of Massachusetts Health Care Reform,” The Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University, June 2011, http://www.beaconhill.org/BHIStudies/HCR-2011/BHIMassHealthCareReform2011-0627.pdf[4] “The Economic Effects of Massachusetts Health Care Reform,” The Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University, Sept. 2011, http://www.beaconhill.org/BHIStudies/HCR-2011/BHIMassHealthCareEcon2011-0915.pdf[5] Daily Rundown, NBC, 10/24/11, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VphzX4DumH8[6] Free Care Overview [updated 4/15/06], www.massresources.org via Internet Wayback Machine, page available at http://www.scribd.com/doc/70097727/Illegals-Eligible-for-Massachusetts-Free-Care

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