"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thousands of Chaplains Refusing Pentagon Directive to Perform Same-Sex Marriage Ceremonies

We knew that Leon Panetta as Secretary of Defense was going to be bad with his lack of defense experience but to see this directive, makes my blood boil.  What right does the Pentagon have to issue such a directive?  Has the Defense of Marriage Act been overturned?  So now our military chaplains are supposed to go against their own beliefs because Panetta and his politically correct advisers say so?  

It was a foregone conclusion that doing away with Don't Ask, Don't Tell was going to cause problems but must admit I didn't expect this.  Was Panetta put in as Secretary of Defense to implement the liberal social issues?  Does that mean that abortions will soon be required of doctors in our major military facilities paid for at taxpayer expense?  I wouldn't put anything beyond the reach of Panetta and the liberal agenda.  He is nothing but a stooge for Obama.

Is this stance going to cost these Chaplains their jobs and pensions?  Better not or there will be one of the biggest uproars in this Country that we have ever had.  This is beyond disgusting and each of us needs to stand with these chaplains.  Never should a chaplain be told to go against their beliefs -- that is fundamentally wrong and the DoD needs to rescind this directive NOW!

Support their stance on this issue 100%!
Thousands of Chaplains Refusing Pentagon Directive 
On September 30, 2011, the Pentagon issued a directive to all military chaplains to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies and to make military chapels available for any such private ceremonies. 
In response to the Pentagon directive, the Catholic Archdiocese for Military Service issued a statement that no Catholic chaplains serving in the military will perform or participate in any same-sex marriage ceremonies at any military chapels. In conjunction with the Catholic response, members of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty have issued a statement indicating that they will also not participate in performing same-sex ceremonies. 
The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty represents over 2,000 military chaplains. Serving as a military chaplain for 28 years, now retired Col. Ron Crews, executive director of the organization said,
“They made a very strong statement saying that no Catholic chaplains serving in the military will participate in any same-sex ceremonies at any chapels. We appreciate that strong stand. So we just wanted to let the Department of Defense know that it’s not only the Catholic chaplains, but that some 2,000 chaplains who come from evangelical backgrounds are saying our chaplains will not participate in same-sex ceremonies in the military.”
Col. Crews also said that they are petitioning Congress to pass a right of conscience clause to be added to the revised code allowing military chaplains the right of not being forced to conduct or be involved in any activity, such as performing same-sex marriage ceremonies, that goes against their religious beliefs and what they strongly believe the Bible to say about homosexuality
I agree with the actions being taken by the Catholic and evangelical chaplains groups in making a stand for biblical principles. The Bible teaches us to be submissive to those placed in authority over us, but it also stipulates that to do so as long as it does not go against the will of God. First and foremost we are required to remain faithful and true to what God says in the Bible and then to those in authority over us. And in the case of same-sex ceremonies, the chaplains are following the directions from God and refusing to perform ceremonies that according to the Bible would be an abomination 
I stand and salute all the military chaplains taking this stand, knowing that it could cost them their military careers and pensions. I also will continue to pray for them for wisdom and stamina in what is sure to become a military and congressional battle.

Read more: Thousands of Chaplains Refusing Pentagon Directive | Godfather Politics http://godfatherpolitics.com/1435/thousands-of-chaplains-refusing-pentagon-directive/#ixzz1aUoXHy8Q

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