"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Praise for Rick Perry's Cut, Balance, and Grow Plan

This is my favorite one as I heard him on the radio with his comments:
“Rick Perry announced his tax plan today, which I’ll go on record as saying I, El Rushbo, think is great. It’s fabulous. I like it. … This is why a lot of people are going to like it. It is a return to fiscal sanity.”
Rush Limbaugh on “The Rush Limbaugh Show,” 10/25/11
Now for some more comments:
“This program he’s come up with is a great program, this tax plan. … Perry has come up with one hell of a proposal.”
Mark Levin on “The Mark Levin Show,” 10/25/11 
“The good news is that Mr. Perry and most of his competitors are thinking big, with proposals that will reverse the U.S. slide to high-debt, slow-growth stagnation. President Obama wants to portray the economic debate as pro-growth government spenders vs. the austerity of budget cutting. But the real debate is over whether government or the private economy is the main engine of prosperity. The flat tax puts Republicans on the side of private growth and government reform, a potent combination. Perhaps Mr. Perry and his comrades can even coax Mitt Romney to join the party.”
Wall Street Journal, 10/26/11 
Strong entitlement reform in #GovernorRickPerry flat tax plan. Plus strong growth incentives from 20% flat rate. #GOP tax competition. Good.”
Larry Kudlow, host of CNBC’s “The Kudlow Report,” via Twitter, 10/25/11 
“Twenty percent is a very good place to be. And what Governor Perry does right is he sets up an alternative structure. If you like the present tax system, if you’ve organized your life around the various deductions and credits, nothing changes for you. If you’d rather move to a lower rate, fewer deductions and credits, that’s available as well. It doesn’t have the danger that the Fair Tax or the 9-9-9 has, which is you create these additional new taxes that maybe you’ll end up with both the income tax and the sales tax and a VAT [value-added tax], which would be France, Greece.”
Grover Norquist on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” 10/25/11 
“Rick Perry’s plan for tax reform would be massively pro-growth. A Flat Tax like the one proposed by Perry would unleash years of economic growth if it is passed into law. Furthermore, eliminating the tax on dividends and capital gains would immediately add trillions of dollars in new wealth to the economy, benefiting all Americans. Perry clearly understands that revitalizing the economy should start with a complete overhaul of a tax code that has nearly choked economic growth to death. Conservatives looking for a champion to carry the banner of a pro-growth tax reform will surely rally behind this bold proposal.”
Club for Growth President Chris Chocola, 10/25/11 
To read more comments from people like Governor Jindal, Former Rep Dick Armey, Steve Hayes of the Weekly Standard, and others, please visit RickPerry.org

The Washington Post poll on their site shows Flat Tax beats 9-9-9.  Probably from all out states with a sales tax that is already over 8%!

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