"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Videos: “Romney’s Remedy” and "Romney and Obama: Carbon Copies" (Literally)

There has been one question that keeps going around in my mind about the debates.  Why won't the moderators of the Debates ask questions about RomneyCare or environmental policies of Romney and some of the others? Fox News went after Perry at the Orlando debate which we learned after the fact that it was a set up by Fox News.

When you think back to even the first debates you realize the media moderators have done everything possible to keep asking the questions about subjects that mean little to most people so they can get the candidates to attack their fellow Republicans. Are the members of the media doing this on purpose to put Republicans in a bad light? You can take it to the bank because nothing else makes sense.  Why not ask the important questions of the day to include the economy, border security, environmental issues, energy independence, and others?

The media has made sure there has been little chance to attack the policies of Obama in the debates which seems to be exactly what they want?  Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry see what is happening but do the others who would rather keep attacking on subjects like a rock or the words 'ponzi scheme' for social security which in fact that is what it is.  Looks like the agenda of the media moderators is to hide the truth about the subjects that Obama and the Democrats are vulnerable in order to showcase the Republicans as a group of people who cannot get along.

Some candidates are now going on the attack with no sources for their statements. Romney is going to senior citizen facilities and using the Democrat talking points that Perry wants to take away their social security rather than give facts.  That is so Democrat to say that as they have been doing it for years and now Romney is doing it in Florida.

These are two ads with sources from the Perry campaign since the MSM broadcast refuses to deal with these issues and give facts.  One is the background on RomneyCare and the second one is Romney's stance on the environment when he was Governor and up until recently when he decided to become more conservative to get votes.
Video: “Romney’s Remedy”

Posted on October 10th, 2011

“Mitt Romney clearly supports government-mandated health care since he fought for his Massachusetts mandate, which provided President Obama with the blueprint for Obamacare,” said Perry spokesman Mark Miner. “Romneycare has cost $8 billion and killed 18,000 Massachusetts jobs, yet Mitt Romney wrote in his book that his plan was a model for the nation.  
When it comes to government-mandated health care, there is no difference between Mitt Romney and President Obama.” 
Beacon Hill Institute studies on Romneycare: 
Cost $8 billion: “The High Price of Massachusetts Health Care Reform,” June 2011,BeaconHill.org 
Killed 18,000 jobs: “The Economic Effects of Massachusetts Health Care Reform,” September 2011,BeaconHill.org
The real facts on Romney including an investigation by the Wall Street Journal are coming out about where he really stands on the environment up until a month or so ago not where he is trying to tell people he stands today.  Why are the moderators of the debates ignoring the facts and asking questions about what Romney did as Governor before he became the professional politician running for President.  Romney has a track record along with people who he had surrounding him as Governor which is seeing the light of day:

Romney and Obama: Carbon Copies

Posted on October 7th, 2011 

Romney’s environmental policies and advisors now being used by President Obama 

Mitt Romney and President Obama are carbon copies when it comes to environmental policies, as evident in the video “Romney and Obama: Carbon Copies”

“Mitt Romney and President Obama are carbon copies,” said Perry spokesman Mark Miner. “In addition to designing the blueprint for Obamacare, Mr. Romney has provided President Obama with environmental policies and advisors. Americans cannot afford another four years of job-killing policies inspired by Mitt Romney and implemented by President Obama.” 
The Wall Street Journal recently investigated Mr. Romney’s liberal environmental record: 
Just days after his 2002 election, Mr. Romney hired Douglas Foy, one of the state’s most prominent environmental activists, and put him in charge of supervising four state agencies. … With Mr. Foy by his side, Mr. Romney joined activists outside an aging, coal-fired plant in 2003 to show his commitment to the emissions caps. “I will not create jobs or hold jobs that kill people, and that plant, that plant kills people,” he said. [1] 
Mr. Romney later implemented job-killing carbon caps for Massachusetts: 
On Dec. 7, 2005, the Romney administration unveiled the final orders. “These carbon emission limits will provide real and immediate progress in the battle to improve our environment,” then-Gov. Romney said in a press release touting Massachusetts as “the first and only state to set CO2 emissions limits on power plants.” [1] 
Two former Romney environmental advisors are now members of the Obama Administration.
Gina McCarthy, the Environmental Protection Agency’s top air pollution official, was Mr. Romney’s “green quarterback.” [2] 
John Holdren, Obama’s science czar, advised Romney on implementing his greenhouse gas policy and was highlighted in the 2005 press release announcing Massachusetts’ carbon caps. [3, 4] 
[1] Romney Environment Push Is Fresh Target for His Rivals, Wall Street Journal, 10/6/11, WSJ.com[2] EPA Official Was Romney’s ‘Green Quarterback,’ National Journal, 9/22/11, NationalJournal.com[3] Romney Announces Strict New Clean Air Regulations To Take Effect January 1, Press Release, 12/7/05, scribd.com[4] Obama’s Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions, FoxNews.com, 7/21/09, FoxNews.com
These are the facts that the MSM are refusing to acknowledge about Romney as news organizations like Fox News and some websites try to prop him up that he is Conservative.  This is only the beginning of the real story because a MA organization has delved into the real background of Romney not that manufactured by Rove and Fox News along with the Weekly Standard and others.

What we are witnessing out of the media debates from day one has been disgusting as the media attempts to choose our candidate so Obama will have the best chance of winning.  If you don't believe that, I have swampland for sale in AZ.

More reinforcement that Romney is not conservative as today Romney named former Florida Moderate Senator Mel Martinez to his National Committee.  Does Romney not understand that the former Senator quit as a Senator with no reason except Republicans were furious at the way he ran the RNC?  Martinez is tied to Bush 41 and 43 along with Rove so no surprise here.  Martinez is no conservative and never has been which bolsters up the fact that Romney is not a conservative no matter how much rhetoric he spews as he is a moderate to even liberal on some subjects.  Chances are if Martinez had run for reelection for the Senate in 2010 in Florida, he would have been defeated.

What is this week going to bring that the media can put front and center that means little in this election?  The American people are catching on including the media touting of straw polls which means zero, zip, nada and never has.  Anyone who has run them know exactly how unreliable they are -- kind of like some of the major media slanted left polls that forget we have 50 states and prefer now to go with 35 states for polling.  Maybe I could be wrong and they are actually using the 58 states of Obama for polling to get the results they want!   When they poll, they know what they want to show and so choose areas to give them the results and why people around the Country are asking, "Where do they get their numbers?"  Thought it was just Republicans but after being on Huffington Post/AOL, I find the Democrats are asking a lot of the same questions we are.

Maybe it is time the media and polling gets cleaned up.  When you have blogs giving the facts the mainstream media ignores, journalism is taking a real hit.  When you have Republicans and Democrats asking the same questions,  you know there are problems with the media and polling.   There are Democrats who understand how the MSM chose Obama over Hillary and now they are seeing the same thing the media is trying in the Republican Party.  Maybe the American people as a whole are a lot smarter than the media thinks we are.  Sure hope so!

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