"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Erickson of Red State: Thin Skin -- Compares Romney to Obama

It was predictable that Eric Erickson from Red State was going to have something to say after Romney used his comments after the Orlando debate trying to make you think they came from the Las Vegas debate on Tuesday night hosted by CNN.  Erickson was not at the CNN debate even though Romney's nasty ad against Gov Perry showed the CNN logo (BTW the internet ad has been pulled for now).  Erickson's post this morning doesn't disappoint.  All I can say is "WOW!"  
Thin Skin 
Posted by Erick Erickson (Diary)
Thursday, October 20th at 4:46AM EDT

It finally hit me tonight why I think Mitt Romney would have a real problem in the general election. 
He is Barack Obama. 
No, not really. But yeah, there is something there. They are both robotically good on the campaign trail. But throw them off guard, get them off balance, and they turn a bit nasty. 
We are all intimately familiar with Barack Obama lashing out. During a closed door meeting with Republicans he tells them “I won.” When John McCain stands up to him at a closed door meeting, Barack Obama snidely remarks, “We’re not campaigning anymore” or some such. 
Romney, in the debates, has been very, very polished and smooth. Never mind the repeated times he hasn’t quite gotten the facts right, including the bit about his book wherein he actually did delete a line suggesting Romneycare was a model for the nation. In two debates now he has denied he wrote that and claimed to have always suggested otherwise. It simply is not true. 
In the CNN debate he was confronted on multiple occasions and on multiple fronts with the fact he has an honesty gap. He resorted to demanding fair play and threw out some rather savage remarks with a smile reminiscent to Barack Obama on the campaign trail raising his middle finger to his nose with a smile. 
Then, after the debate, the Romney camp began pushing out the narrative that Rick Perry is too mean to be the nominee. Obama does the same with the GOP — they are just too mean to him when they start ganging up on him. 
Then, in the height of overreaction, Mitt Romney put out a devastating web ad on Rick Perry’s debate performance. The ad was designed to make viewers believe Perry’s awful performance was in the Las Vegas CNN debate. Most of the commentators used were from CNN, including me. They were spliced in and shuffled around outside the actual timeline of when they were delivered — most after that awful Fox News debate. 
It was a vitriolic overreaction to kick Perry and distract from the wounds Romney actually suffered in the debate. They subsequently pulled the ad. It made them look both desperate and defensive over Romney’s own debate performance. 
This is all so familiar. Romney is behaving exactly as the GOP said Barack Obama behaved on the campaign trail in 2008 and still says he is behaving as campaigner in chief. 
Isn’t ONE thin-skinned debater enough? 
Source:  Red State.com
I may be doing a one person boycott but this person is never watching Fox News again until Roger Ailes and Karl Rove are removed along with Dick Morris since Morris said Fox News is going to choose our candidate.  Their two candidates, Romney and Cain, had epic fails Tuesday night.  The facts show neither are conservative no matter how much they pretend.  Romney has his illegal, RomneyCare, and pro-choice Governor before he was pro-life when he decided to run for President -- flip flopper problems.  Looks like he has no core values as it is all about saying the right things because he is running for office.  Cain is an associate minister at a very liberal Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta where the minister uses Malcolm X as his guide.  Then he supports moderate Dems in FL for office who turn out to be extremely liberal and one of them is Cong Serano who is a friend of Castro and Chavez.  Both candidates pushed by Fox are not conservative but Perry who is conservative Fox News is trying to tank.

Thought the MSM was in the tank for Obama but what I am seeing out of Fox News puts them at the head of the pack for being in the tank for a candidate(s).  Is their next candidate going to be Gingrich who worked for Fox News?  No one needs to tell me again that Fox News is honest.  They are dishonest just like their owners Murdoch and his sons.  How do we know what News Corp did in London, they didn't do here?

Time for conservatives to wake up and realize that Fox News is no friend of conservatives and hasn't been for years.  They are dishonest in their debate hosting as we saw in Orlando, Florida, along with their reporting on political campaigns including their analysts Rove and Morriss.  They allow Romney and Cain to get away with lying in interviews on Fox News but then they did the same thing for Palin covering up her gaffes. Fox News should remove the 'News' from the name and call themselves the Fox Political Machine!

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