"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Carnahan calling Blunt a DC Insider when her Brother is in Congress?

Democrats are getting desparate with their new attacks. Carnahan is now charging Blunt with being a DC insider and going after him for voting for the first stimulus under Bush. One slight problem -- her brother, Russ, has been in Congress since 2005 and has voted for the Obama agenda. Plus her family has been involved in national Democrat politics for a long time. Carnahan is not an outsider no matter what she says.

In fact the story is out on how her brother Russ Carnahan (D-MO) has steered federal money to another brother to start a windmill farm. Odd timing since the brother with the windmill farm was not involved in windmills before his brother was elected to the House.

Look at her brother's voting record against the wishes of Missouri in his time in Congress touting the 2009 stimulus package and voting with the Pelosi/Obama Democrats 99% of the time including Obamacare. That is an example of what Missouri would get with Robin Caranahan in the Senate. He brings nothing to the House except a reliable Democrat vote (99%) and making sure his brother gets his money. That does not help MO but it helps the Carnahan Family.

Also Carnahan's two brothers -- one the Congressman and one the wind power owner show what being a DC political insider is all about:

Democratic Rep. Russ Carnahan of Missouri is a rank-and-file Democrat. According to OpenCongress.org, he has voted with the Democratic Party 99 percent of the time since he assumed office in 2005, and was among those who consistently espoused the merits of the 2009 stimulus package.

He has, in other words, been a good reliable Democrat for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Obama. And it seems the obedience has not gone unnoticed.

Earlier this month, the White House released a report entitled, “100 Recovery Act Projects that are Changing America.” Number 18 on the list is Lost Creek Wind Farm in DeKalb County, Missouri, which received a $107 million grant from the Department of Energy. And it just so happens that Lost Creek was founded by Tom Carnahan – Russ’ brother.

But Tom’s history associated with the war against fossil fuels and the world of renewable energy is a short one, beginning in 2005 — the same year his brother entered Congress — when he quit his law practice to start Wind Capital Group LLC to develop wind energy in Missouri. At first, business wasn’t so great, and the Lost Creek project was put on hold. That is, until the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was passed, and along with it, the establishment of the Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program.

That loan guarantee program, it turns out, has since buttered Tom Carnahan’s bread very nicely.

He even admitted as much in a 2009 interview when he said, “We never really liked to say it out loud…A few months ago, the banks were closed…The stimulus changed everything.”

Ed Martin, a Republican who is challenging Carnahan in November to represent Missouri’s third district, told the The Daily Caller that, “The stimulus has shown to be a payout to special interests and family members; it’s not focused on jobs,” adding that the Carnahans are a prime example.

“Americans know things like solar and wind power is a piece to a comprehensive energy plan, but the idea of spending millions on a wind farm is mind boggling,” said Martin. “It’s the worst of Washington in terms of insiders dealing with each other.”

But if the Carnahans have their way, the stimulus package won’t be the only government bailout

Lost Creek will get. Both brothers are on record advocating a first-ever national Renewable Energy Standards (RES) bill that, until Wednesday, was working its way through the Senate.

Excerpt: Read more:
Daily Caller
Talk about the ultimate in a DC Insider and you need look no farther than the two Carnahan brothers. All Missouri needs to do is add Robin Carnahan their sister in the Senate and the Government will be totally fleeced with more government money pouring into their family coffers. They have discovered the way to wealth is through the Federal Government and having a brother in the House who votes with Pelosi all the time.

Desperate times for the Democrats as they see their hold on Congress slipping away as witnessed by the Robin Carnahan attacks:

Carnahan's path in Missouri narrows
By DAVID CATANESE | 9/28/10 1:58 PM EDT Updated: 9/29/10 5:42 AM EDT

While there’s some evidence a recent ad offensive tarring Rep. Roy Blunt as a consummate Washington insider is leaving a mark, it appears Robin Carnahan’s path to victory in the Show-Me State Senate race is becoming increasingly narrow.

With states like Louisiana, North Carolina and even Ohio falling out of reach for takeaways, Washington Democrats are convinced Missouri remains the best chance for a pick-up, even as the party braces for losses in the upper chamber.

But the lynchpin of their strategy of rendering Blunt the virtual incumbent and highlighting his longtime ties to the unseemly side of Beltway politics may not be enough in a battleground state that voted against Barack Obama at the peak of his popularity in 2008.

Read more: Politico
Note to Missouri voters -- Just say NO! to the Carnahan family on November 2nd and cut off the government handouts to the family. Robin Carnahan's election strategy is nothing more than the typical Democrat slash and burn when they are behind. These attacks rank right up there with Jari Askins, Democrat candidate for OK Governor, and her two ads -- one she was conservative (Obama supporters are not conservative) and two she stayed in Oklahoma (if Mary Fallin had not gone to Congress, she would still be Lt Governor and Askins would not be Lt Governor).

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