"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Florida Senate Debate, Oct 19, 2010: Marco Rubio is the Clearcut Winner!

In last night's Florida Senate debate, we heard what we consider to be one of the most biased questions ever put to a candidate by a debate moderator. You would have thought the moderator, Greg Hengler, was reading the question from Charlie Crist Talking Point Papers when he asked Marco Rubio if he was anti-Latino.. Makes us wonder if he was briefed by Crist or his people before the debate. If the moderator was following the lead of Crist, it gave Marco Rubio a chance to respond and inform the moderator that he has always supported LEGAL immigration but the he cannot believe this Country does not enforce the immigration laws we have.

What is with these Democrats who cannot seem to process it in their brains that Republicans want the Immigration Laws enforced like every other Country. We do not and never have opposed LEGAL immigration. We oppose the people who are here illegally in this Country and the lack of the Federal enforcement of current immigration laws.

Fox News Miami has their take on the debate which talks about what Rubio has to do to win on November 2nd. Must admit the part between Meeks and Crist is funny as they go at each other trying to out Democrat the other. We actually feel for Meeks who is the Democrat with Charlie pretending he should have the Democrat nomination. Hopefully Crist will come in 3rd. Is Crist going to work for Obama in January?

UPDATE:  The Associated Press reports that in last night’s debate Charlie Crist bizarrely attempted to reverse his previous embrace of President Obama’s unpopular policies:
Gov. Charlie Crist tried to distance himself from President Barack Obama in a debate Tuesday after months of reaching out to Democrats in his independent bid for Senate… Meek seemed incredulous that Crist would use the strategy of criticizing Obama. Meek has been frustrated that Crist is having some success in his overt outreach to Democratic voters… "I'm just shocked to hear now the new lingo from the governor talking about Obamacare. I wonder if he said that to the president when he was walking with him on the beach," Meek said.

Crist makes Kerry look like he never flip flopped.  Have to love the Meek's reply -- he has him pegged.

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