"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Meet Ken Buck, Republican Candidate for US Senate from Colorado

The grassroots choice for Colorado
I became a candidate for the U.S. Senate because

of my growing concern about the direction the new
Administration and new Congress are taking our country.

When we first started looking at the Colorado Senate race between Jane Norton and Ken Buck in the Republican primary, we knew they were both very good candidates. The more we looked at Ken Buck the more we realized that here was a man from Greeley, Colorado, a prosecutor, and someone who understood the values of Middle America having grown up in small town America.  The words at the top of the website about the grassroots choice for Colorado rang true. 

What Buck was saying on the campaign trail is what we were thinking about what was happening in DC.  Ken Buck doesn't waiver in his beliefs and as he has said many times, he will not compromise his beliefs.  After watching his introduction to all of us, we became more convinced he is by far the best candidate for Colorado to send to the Senate on November 2nd. 

Ken Buck's latest ad says all you need to know about that race. Voters of Colorado have a chance to send Ken Buck to the Senate who will represent them or return Bennet who was appointed to represent Obama and Reid. That should be an easy choice.

If you can help Ken Buck's campaign in Colorado during this last week, please contact his campaign at BuckforColorado.com/Volunteer and be part of sending Ken Buck to the United States Senate from Colorado or contact your local Republican Party. Make telephone calls, walk precincts, and donate are all things individuals can do to help elect Ken Buck. Most importantly go VOTE to send Ken Buck to the Senate.


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