"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fact Check: Jari Askins is Misleading Voters About Her Record (Understatement)

Last night I watched the Oklahoma Governor's debate and gave my impression at Voices from the Heartland. As I was watching the debate, I kept thinking that Jari Askins never came out opposed to Obamacare even though she accused Mary Fallin of not listening to her on the issue during the debate. Turns out Askins lied in the debate.

Have to wonder if Askins was given the Democrat Talking Point Paper that said she should distance herself from Obama in the debate. That seems to be happening in a lot of debates around the Country which makes debates pretty useless when a candidate cannot tell the truth about where they stand on issues.

Frankly after four years as Lt Governor, I have to ask what Askins has done for Oklahoma. You hear very little about her and never where she stands on issues. Putting her finger in the wind to see which way it is blowing several weeks before the election describes my impression of Askins last night at the debate.

When Mary Fallin was Lt Governor, she was an Ambassador for Oklahoma promoting the state as a business friendly environment and a great place to raise your family. Mary was right as our family was transferred here in January 1997 due to the impending closure of Kelly AFB, TX. We have found this State to be one of the friendliest of anywhere we have lived. Living in Norman, home of the University of Oklahoma, made the transition very easy to becoming an Oklahoman at heart if not by birth.

We were fortunate to move to Oklahoma when Mary Falliln was Lt Governor and watch her interaction with Tinker AFB and the aerospace industry. She put Oklahoma on the map as a place for the aerospace industry to do business during her tenue as Lt Governor.  We can only imagine what she will do as Governor in promoting Oklahoma.

Many times when watching debates, voters should watch a candidate's mannerisms. Fallin was very comfortabe in her closing remarks. Askins wouldn't look at the audience during her final remarks which I found odd and frankly irritating, but it did say that she probably was pretending to be conservative again and didn't want to look at anyone.

When she talked about Oklahoma Democrats are conservative I came to the conclusion that she has a different meaning for the word 'conservative' than most of us who are Oklahoma conservatives. To Askins being conservative for the general election is a matter of winning votes and trying to fool voters. One thing to move to the middle, but she has moved to the right trying to be like Mary who is an Oklahoma conservative.

Knew she lied during the debate -- her mannerisms gave her away even if the Oklahoman reporter didn't notice. She must think the Oklahoma voters are stupid not to remember the real facts of her support for Obama and his agenda. She wants it both ways it seems.

Fact Check: Jari Askins is Misleading Voters About Her Record

Oklahoma City – Fallin for Governor Communications Director Alex Weintz issued the following statement today responding to Jari Askins’ claim that she has been publicly opposed to President Obama’s health care reform plan and cap and trade for over a year:

“Jari Askins has finally realized that voters are rejecting her liberal positions on issues and is trying to reinvent herself two weeks before the election. It’s a desperate, last minute attempt to reinvigorate her failing campaign, and voters will see right through it.

“Oklahomans want a principled, conservative leader, not someone who arrives at a position when it’s politically convenient. That’s why conservative Republicans, Democrats and independents will all choose Mary Fallin for governor on November 2nd.”

Fact Check

Claim: Jari Askins has opposed Barack Obama’s health care plan and “cap and trade” for over a year

“Askins said for more than a year she has publicly opposed health care reform and cap and trade policies of the Obama administration.” – Oklahoman, 10/20/10

· Fact: Mary Fallin called on Attorney General Drew Edmondson to challenge the constitutionality of the federal health care overhaul in court; Jari Askins did not. And one day after her primary election victory, Jari said she was undecided about the bill.

“[Askins] said she hasn't made a decision on the bill. ‘Honestly, I'm still reading the bill,’ Askins said." – Oklahoman, 7/29

· Fact: Askins for Governor Campaign Manager Sid Hudson is quoted in today’s issue of the Oklahoma Gazette explaining why Jari Askins does not speak out on issues like cap and trade.

Hudson: “Jari could give an opinion on cap and trade, but it’s just an opinion. I think Oklahomans would prefer she be more concerned with helping run the state of Oklahoma.” – Oklahoma Gazette, 10/20/10
There is only ONE Conservative candidate in this race for Oklahoma Governor and that is Mary Fallin who has always been Conservative.

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