"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Heckler Disrupts Florida Senate Debate

Charlie Crist will be remembered as the person in Florida politics who went from the top of the State of Florida as Governor to the trash heap of being called a 'heckler' because he kept trying to talk over Marco Rubio in this morning's debate. Guess Crist doesn't consider his flip flops fair game in a debate. Crist reminds you of a little kid who didn't get their way and is now throwing a temper tantrum.

Moderator did a poor job of keeping control which is typical of a CNN debate. This debate will be remembered for Charlie the Heckler and little else.

Rubio won the debate once again -- this time in spite of Crist not wanting to allow him to speak. This video is priceless and shows what happens when an arrogant person is getting beat. Kind of reminds you of the person in the White House!

Question of the week -- Will Charlie stay in Florida or try to get a job with the Obama Administration?

Heckler Disrupts Florida Senate Debate
October 24, 2010
By Javier Manjarres

Tampa, Florida– The three candidates for the open U.S. Senate seat in Florida squared off again in another debate hosted by CNN and the St. Petersburg Times this Sunday morning. The audience was not lulled to sleep, as there were an abundance of jabs that were thrown around by all three of the candidates- with even a few round-house kicks thrown into the mix.

Much to the surprise of the viewing audience, the debate was crashed by a “heckler” who disrupted the proceedings by showing a lack of respect for the moderators and for Mr. Rubio whom this ‘Heckler’ targeted. I am sure CNN is looking into how this heckler made it past security and into the debate room. “The Heckler’s” chameleon-like disguise was one of a kind and his actions showed that he has obviously mastered the art of deception and has perpetrated this kind of smoke and mirrors trickery before.

This “Heckler”, who actually made it on to the stage, can only be described as Superhero-like, with snow white hair, lean physique, and a very tan complexion. The Heckler has been identified as none other than the candidate ”of the people”, the “ I need your vote, what should I say now” candidate, the “ what do the pollsters think I should do” candidate. The “Heckler” of whom I refer to was none other than Governor Charlie “The Chuckster” Crist.


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