"A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men
from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
(Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Is the Chamber of Commerce False Allegations by Obama the October Surprise?

If this is Obama's idea of an October surprise, it is a colossal failure in the list of October surprises. It is also one of the biggest examples of hypocrisy we have seen considering the Obama campaign in 2008 turned off security for credit cards so they could take donations from around the World and from purchased credit cards which have no ability to trace who bought them. They were bragging overseas about bundling contributions and sending them to the US from places like Kenya. That was okay because that was Obama doing it in his mind. Even the Washington Post went after his illegal campaign contributions. Wonder how that got past their editors?

Today's news has the usual Obama still going after the Chamber of Commerce on foreign donations after the New York Times debunked the Obama spin on the Chamber.

But a closer examination shows that there is little evidence that what the chamber does in collecting overseas dues is improper or even unusual, according to both liberal and conservative election-law lawyers and campaign finance documents.

In fact, the controversy over the Chamber of Commerce financing may say more about the Washington spin cycle — where an Internet blog posting can be quickly picked up by like-minded groups and become political fodder for the president himself — than it does about the vagaries of campaign finance.
Then came Axelrod's appearance with Bob Schieffer on CBS Face the Nation.  Axelrod continued the spin on the Chamber donations until Schieffer finally had enough of the spin:

After all of this about Chamber donations has been debunked, that didn't stop Obama yesterday from going after the Chamber in his speech in Philadelphia. The hypocrisy of Obama knows no end after we found this from the Washington Post:

The White Houseintensified its attacks Sunday on the powerful U.S. Chamber of Commerce for its alleged ties to foreign donors, part of an escalating Democratic effort to link Republican allies with corporate and overseas interests ahead of the November midterm elections.The chamber adamantly denies that foreign funds are used in its U.S. election efforts, accusing Democrats of orchestrating a speculative smear campaign during a desperate political year. President Obama, speaking at a rally in Philadelphia, said "the American people deserve to know who is trying to sway their elections"
All this from Obama where in 2008 his campaign turned off all security so donations could come from anywhere and you wouldn't know. Campaigns use security so that one person like a George Soros cannot purchase a group of prepaid credit cards but not Obama. All contributions were welcome from around the world as he reneged on his pledge to accept Government financing for his campaign and instead turned it down. That should have been the first indication among many that Obama had no intention of keeping his word -- it was win at any cost including huge amounts of illegal votes perpetrated by ACORN across the Country.

There is an old joke: "How can you tell when a politician is lying?" Answer: "When they move their lips!" That fits Obama more than Clinton which is nothing short of amazing. I guess in Clinton's case, he would like to our face and in Obama's case he reads the lies from his teleprompter. If Obama's teleprompter said the sky was blue, we would have to go check outside to see if was raining.

It is hard to believe after news outlets defended the Chamber including the NY Times and CBS, Obama still went after the Chamber in his speech yesterday afternoon. We are beginning to believe the comment he is tone deaf to what people are saying. He gets an idea in his mind and runs with it whether it is factual or not.

How would you like to be a Democrat running this year with the baggage of Obama? No wonder when Obama campaigns in a State, the Democrats have other plans. Obama is returning to Florida to campaign which should help Rubio and Scott. The question of the day is whether Alex Sink will show up with Obama as she ditched him the last time at her own fundraiser for prior plans. Maybe we will see more candidates running away from Obama like this photo shop of Feingold which actually hits pretty close:

Note the paper bag representing Feingold!

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